2nd Trimester

So I'm over the idea of a decorated nursery.

I really really am. 


I have had three ideas that I was so sure I was going to do.  But yesterday when I sat in Sophia's room and looked around.  I just didn't like anything I had come up with.


The room is small and the furniture is pretty "strong" so I am laying here trying to decide what I should do.  I was going to do flower decals along the bottom of the wall like they were growing from the baseboards.  But I think now it will be toooo busy.


So I think I may just find some really fun/funky wall art and then hang the quote I was planning on using.....and that's about it.


Am I the only person not doing a major nursery?!

Re: So I'm over the idea of a decorated nursery.

  • No. We're not really.

    I would say we're doing a subtle animal theme but only in the art and bedding. I am not doing matchy matchy furniture or fabric either. I like a room to look like it evolved over time, not like it was ordered from a catalog. 

    Besides, when you do very theme-y rooms, I feel like it has to be redone in a couple years anyway. Kids get sick of stuff. At least we're using a grown-up dresser and having nice built-in bookcases made (compliments of DH) this is stuff our son can use for many years to come.

    Really themed out, over the top nurseries kind of make me want to gag! 

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  • I've never been the DIY crafty Martha Stewart kind of person.   I sit in my LO's room, which she will be sharing with our office stuff and it doesn't seem like a future nursery to me.  I'm hoping that something might kick me in the ass and get me going on the nesting period if I paint the walls.
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  • I didn't, I can't get into it. We are moving in a few days and my goal is to get the girls some really pretty wall art and to get Stan a picture of the night the Tigers won the Penet (sp) October 14th 2006. ( Which was the day he was born)
  • I am glad I'm not the only one.  I am searching for some simple DIY projects (simple being the word) so that I can give it a touch of personality.  I don't want the room to be boring, but I just cant see it being decked out either.
  • We're not going super nuts with striped walls or anything.   We're going to have fun with it, but we don't plan on staying in our place for more than a year or so, so we don't want to pour unnecessary time and money into it.
  • We live in a 1 bed + den condo. Even if we get into something bigger before the LO arrives I don't think I am doing a full on nursery. I've been looking through Fit Pregnancy and PB Kids, etc and I think I am just done with the look of nurseries.

    I'm actually thinking I want to treat myself to new bedroom furniture. Feeling a bit guilty... but we're planning on using a cosleeper so baby will enjoy it too, right?

  • If DH could take off a whole month from work, he would love to do a "decorated" nursery, but he can't and the gov. takes all of his creative energy, so we're not doing it, either. I think we'll use some wall decals - and that's about it. He's doing an illustration on one wall - a surprise for me! - but that's about it. And not everything in our nursery will be matchy-matchy anyways.
  • We aren't painting, we're not buying a bunch of themed stuff. I don't plan on hanging much on the walls (I have a quote and some antique baby plates with nursery characters on them...that's it). We are planning on moving in a year so I don't want to waste the time.
  • We are not having a decorated nursery childy... does that make sense... Im not that type of person.. the room is gobi desert which is a tan neutral color and like you the furniture is a strong set... I am using Lilac and Leaf for her crib colors and venturing that out in to a few odds n ends but Im not a disney girl or do i like winney the pooh or safari animals LOL
  • We travel for Dh's work so we have to rent since we are never in an area for longer than 18 mths. ?We will not be painting any walls or putting up curtains for our LO. ?Other than some cute?accessories?and bedding the nursery is not going to be all done up. ?I feel kind of bad about it but there is no way I am going to take the time to do all that work then turn around and paint it white a year later. ?
    Me: 30, DOR with a FSH of 12.5
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  • Well, we're sharing a bedroom with the baby, so we're not doing a nursery either!! I am going to try to make a "nursery corner" for the baby, but we're not painting walls or anything.
    "For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever." Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Nope. You are not alone. My nursery is going to be pretty simple and kind of modern looking. I think that's pretty common these days.
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