2nd Trimester


Me, I am an idiot.

Worked out in the yard all day and didn't even think to put on sunblock.

I now have an awesome sunburnAngry. Sleeping has been rough enough the last week or so...I am dreading tonight!!

Hopefully my farmers tan sunburn will be gone by the time we take our Babymoon/Anniversary Vaca in a few weeks!

Re: idiot.

  • Take tylenol for the pain, and do some cool compresses (keep some in the fridge). I also keep my aloe bottle in the fridge. It helps take the "heat" out.


    I'm sorry you got burned! That really sucks. 

    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • Dear wife got sunburnt this weekend as well.  As we are a family of clutzes that get burnt alot, i grow a lot of aloe in pots. the gels they sell at stores are okay, but nothing beats the soothing feel of cutting off a leave, slicing it open, and smearing the sap all over the burn.  AHHHHHHH.  and it heals faster. 
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  • Ooooooh....I feel your pain.  Literally!  I got the worst burn of my life last weekend!  Tylenol, cold compresses and the fan blowing directly on me saved my sanity!
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