I would personally like to thank Sowen for making the rest of the younger ladies on here. Like me for example (18). Look like immature 6th grade drama queens. I hope everyone doesn't assume that her age makes her challenged... its just her. So thank you.
P.s I don't want you to come on me. ?
Re: A personal thank you.
Yes you do... just admit it already, it will be so much easier that way than having to bring out the restraints.
P.S. You have three tickers?
I have three tickers? Oh crap.. i only see one.. how did i fix this? ?
AND if she came on me.. I think I would vomit... ??
Wait, it's just one now!
AND... I would vomit too.
WTF and here I thought you were gone? You should be true to your word. ?
you made yourself look bad by posting an imature sarcastic thank you to me
grow up
your right... i feel terrible... okay im sorry! Bahaha please leave.?
it's you're right
and i'm the dummy
Well at least you can admit that you are stupid.?
Just remember YOU said it, not us.
I must have missed whatever this was, but thank you for posting this. I get so tierd of people on the boards talking about how someone is acting like an ass and then saying it's because of their age.
If someone is a dumbass, it's just because they're a dumbass, not because they are 20. I know a lot of annoying 20 year olds.... and I know a lot of annoying 45 year olds.
I'm only 19, but I'm married, have a degree, and run my own business. We're not all complete idiots. lol.
Well said.