2nd Trimester

Red and Holljade

Am I a bad person for being overly excited about the bags of Swarovskis I got in the mail yesterday?

500 of them, to be exact.  With more Czech glass and Swarovskis on the way.


*happy sigh*

Re: Red and Holljade

  • Woooooooowhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! I so can't wait to see the chandelier!
  • ::butts in:: oh lala
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  • Sweeeeet! I would be just as excited and dig my hands into the bags!! I can't wait to see it!!
  • imageHolljade:
    Sweeeeet! I would be just as excited and dig my hands into the bags!! I can't wait to see it!!

    I just want to pour them all out and play with them.  I hate waiting for the other supplies to come in.

    Bah.  I'm SO not a patient person.

  • imagetaelir:

    Sweeeeet! I would be just as excited and dig my hands into the bags!! I can't wait to see it!!

    I just want to pour them all out and play with them.  I hate waiting for the other supplies to come in.

    Bah.  I'm SO not a patient person.

    Understandably! They're so pretty- I would be the same way. I am thinking of buying the really really small ones and using them to spell out my baby's name (once we come up with it) and put it in a frame to hang in the nursery.

  • Holl, let me know if you want some cheap places to buy them from.
  • Will do, thanks!!
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