Asking you if you are illiterate or if you are able to read and write english fluently without the use of a tutor is very different than CALLING you a name.
We were just asking you if you were challenged. There's a huge difference.?
I was simply pointing out that you make yourself sound illiterate by the way you choose to type/post. You have proven that point time and again.
If you have any intention of sticking around here, you have got to get some thicker skin!! That thread (wait, sorry.. that POST) of yours was nothing, really. Lurk a little while and you'll see the way this board operates.
Re: i am not
If I have to read what you type more than 6 times to try and understand your point, we have a problem.
And pot? Meet kettle.
"i cant understand the piont of being mean to somoene you dont know"
Really? You bothered to call MrsBeckO a biitch. And THAT'S way worse than what anyone else was dishing out.
she laughed at me and said i was illiterate
which is worse
Asking you if you are illiterate or if you are able to read and write english fluently without the use of a tutor is very different than CALLING you a name.
We were just asking you if you were challenged. There's a huge difference.?
I was simply pointing out that you make yourself sound illiterate by the way you choose to type/post. You have proven that point time and again.
If you have any intention of sticking around here, you have got to get some thicker skin!! That thread (wait, sorry.. that POST) of yours was nothing, really. Lurk a little while and you'll see the way this board operates.
The O'Baby Blog
what is mud?
like crap?
Close enough.
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