Trying to Get Pregnant

anyone mind a getting to know you poll? (allow me my newbie moment)

I kinda like to associate names, sig pics, and whatever tidbits of info I cram into my brain (though I must admit, during AI and baseball season, space is limited.) So...

Who you is? a Ashton...hence the uber-clever sn!!!!!!

Where the heck are ya? NC (born in MD, though)

KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? While I've already expunged two from womb (5 year old DS, and stillborn DS), I've got space for rent in why not fill it, right? Currently on cycle 8.

Who would be your celeb parents? First, let me explain. DH has a theory that one can be summed up by evaluating which two celebs combined create an accurate depiction of you. He says that I am the lovechild of Beavis and the Band Camp girl. Be afraid...


Re: anyone mind a getting to know you poll? (allow me my newbie moment)

  • I'll play along, but I prefer people to use normal grammar. Just saying.

    Who you is? a very hungry person that wishes her DH didn't take so long in the shower.

    Where the heck are ya? NY

    KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? TTC, AF just came about 15 minutes ago marking the start of cycle 12.

    Who would be your celeb parents? This requires too much effort to bother.

  • I'm almost 30, DH is 2 months younger then me.


    TTC, for a year now

    no idea really.

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  • Who you is? hmm, a busy person who hangs out on GP for a couple of weeks, then disappears for awhile, but always comes back. :)

    Where the heck are ya? "The heart of it all," Ohio.

    KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? The proud parent of two furbabies (dogs). Just started cycle 8 of charting. boo!

    Who would be your celeb parents? Tough one. I'd have to say I'm a cross between Reese Witherspoon and Dr. Phil.

    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • MrsC08MrsC08 member
    Who you is? 28, teacher, DH is 27

    Where the heck are ya? VA, born in PA

    KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? TTC - cycle 4 should be starting tomorrow.

    Who would be your celeb parents? no idea

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'll play along, but I prefer people to use normal grammar. Just saying.

    Who you is? Some call me CC, others Banana.  I'm 31.

    Where the heck are ya? NYC

    KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? TTC on hold until July per Dr.s orders

    Who would be your celeb parents? I can't I am just not that clever right now

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Who you is? Missy.  I'm 29.

    Where the heck are ya? Mass.

    KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? I'm 8 weeks pregnant. 

    Who would be your celeb parents? Nope.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Who you is? Brandi, 26, wife and "mommy" to one cat [Shyanne] and one dog [Calypso]  that's about it!

    Where the heck are ya? WV

    KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? KTFU [finally! We got our BFP a year to the day I went off the pill!]

    Who would be your celeb parents? No idea!
  • Isn't this usually achieved by lurking and learning?


    In Canada.


    No clue!

  • Who you is? Erin, 25, married, mommy to 2 cats, Yoda and Leia

    Where the heck are ya? Ohio for the time being

    KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? KTFU, 12 weeks along after m/c in 12/08

    Who would be your celeb parents? No idea!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Who you is? Molly, 29, Mom to Claire, wife to Andy.

    Where the heck are ya? Well.... right now, I'm in MD, but as of Thursday, DH, DD and I are being moved out of our house and we're moving to Naples, Italy for three years.  We're VERY excited, but we're going to have a long time in limbo!

    KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? Proud parent and TTC #2.

    Who would be your celeb parents? Ummm... I can never remember who celebs are anyway...
    Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    miscarriage at 8 weeks - August 2009
  • Jen


    **points to siggy**

    No idea.


    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Danielle - 24



    Ehhh, no clue.?

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  • EMTXEMTX member

    Erin - 26

    Austin, TX

    KU and have been waiting to tell our families on Mother's Day in ONE WEEK! Finally!

    My parents are actually very much like Blythe Danner and Robert De Niro in Meet the Parents :) And DH's are essentially the Fockers :) Could not be more different.

    In my bag: Canon 60D, 50mm 1.4, Tamron 28-75 2.8, 430exii Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker



    Waiting to TTC  (July)



  • Tara-29


    Just started TTC #2

    I like the parents I already have! Big Smile

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Who you is?  a girl from jersey

    Where the heck are ya? in the study in my house

    KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? look at ticker below

    Who would be your celeb parents? i heart my  parents ... plus not many filipino & polish couples out there that are celebs or even asian & white so i will just stick with mine

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Who you is? Jess

    Where the heck are ya? Massachusetts

    KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? TTC and on cycle #12

    Who would be your celeb parents? Julia Roberts/Will Ferrell

    I have red hair and am super pale

  • Who you is? Penny, 29

    Where the heck are ya? MA

    KTFU/TTC/Proud Parent? Trying to get my effed up cycles under control, will start TTC in August...hopefully

    Who would be your celeb parents? No idea

  • Hmmm...

    E, 25

    Good old North Dakota

    TTC...waiting on AF...cycle #5

    I cant think of this

  • Mrs. Donk


    Proud parent / TTC #2

    I love my parents.  No celebs for me.

  • Minimir


    TTC cycle #1 - in my first 2WW

    Couldn't compare my great parents to anyone.  Dh is the grandpa from Everybody Loves Raymond.  I am Anne of Green Gables

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Suuuurreee, why not......


    1 -- points left to screenname,,,

    2 -  points left to city/state...

    3 - points below to siggy...

    4 - i have no clue 

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Bink720Bink720 member

    -Small town girl who was lucky enough to marry her best friend.

    -South of Seattle

    -Getting ready to ttc.  going off bcp this summer after being on them for 6 years.

    -My best guess for celeb parents would be Sally Field and Conan O'Brien.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    image image
    You fill me!!! Z! My BFP Chart
  • Star




  • I am a sleepy, 24 year old wife.



    My dad is a dead ringer for Steve Martin and my mom would be Sally Field. 

    MY BLOG image Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My name is Brittany ( Britt) 25 and my Man's name is Alex 27. We have been together for 7 years and Married for just over 2 years.

    We live Near Fort Worth, Texas

    We have just started TTC # 1 ...We want a spring Baby, and my Sisters Wedding is in June 2010, I'm the MOH and don't want to have a big bump in the dress, if I can help it !! But when it happens it happens !!

    My celeb parents would be Goldie Hawn and John Wayne

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