I'm going to have a heart attack watching the Ducks vs. Red Wings game. They're in the third overtime! I keep holding my breath...poor baby.
Lactavist.Intactivist.Co-Sleeping/Crib using.CDing/ECing.Babywearing.Attachment Parent.BLW. 'Crunchy' Mommy! Both boys' are on the spectrum. Life is busy, but great! Currently carrying my second surro babe. :]
Just be happy it's not 2:00 AM! Lucky you had an afternoon game. I was at the 1999 Finals - Buffalo vs Dallas which went into extra OTs (I can't remember, but it was over past 2 AM).
DS born 2009
BFP#2 ~ 8/2/11, EDD 4/11/12, D&C 9/12/11 at 9w5d
BFP#3 ~ 4/15/12, EDD 12/21/12 ~ DD born 12/22/12
Ducks just won 4-3! haha they would win when I went to the bathroom to go pee.
Lactavist.Intactivist.Co-Sleeping/Crib using.CDing/ECing.Babywearing.Attachment Parent.BLW. 'Crunchy' Mommy! Both boys' are on the spectrum. Life is busy, but great! Currently carrying my second surro babe. :]
lol I'm so happy the Ducks won. They need to win the Stanley Cup again!
Lactavist.Intactivist.Co-Sleeping/Crib using.CDing/ECing.Babywearing.Attachment Parent.BLW. 'Crunchy' Mommy! Both boys' are on the spectrum. Life is busy, but great! Currently carrying my second surro babe. :]
Re: I think hockey is depriving the baby of oxygen!
BFP#2 ~ 8/2/11, EDD 4/11/12, D&C 9/12/11 at 9w5d
BFP#3 ~ 4/15/12, EDD 12/21/12 ~ DD born 12/22/12
BFP#2 ~ 8/2/11, EDD 4/11/12, D&C 9/12/11 at 9w5d
BFP#3 ~ 4/15/12, EDD 12/21/12 ~ DD born 12/22/12
BFP 3/9/12 Natural M/C 4/11/12