AHH! I'm the same way right now. All of my stuff is spread out on the floor in front of me, but here I am....it doesn't help either that I'm being observed tomorrow and they check our plan book during the observation. I hope you get motivated soon! When are you finished?
Too funny! I was just thinking the same thing. I am telling myself that I only have three more weeks of plans after this one until summer! How many more weeks for you?
Oh geesh! I was observed 2 weeks ago. Thank goodness that is over with. Hope it goes good for you! June 3rd is the last day for the kids.
Thanks! My assistant principal is pretty laid back, and I teach kiddos with Mental Disabilities, so she realizes that things can get pretty hectic in my room.I'm so jealous that you're finished so soon. We go until June 12th, but the last 3 days are half days, so that makes it a little better.
Thats funny thats what I've been putting off all day too!! I do not want to sit and do them right now. What grade do you teach? I teach 1st.
I teach 1st grade too. Not only am I burnt out but the kids are so over being in the same room with the same kids. They are driving each other crazy!
Yeah my kids are starting to make me crazy too. I think its spring coming lol. I do have a tough group this year though too.
I teach 3rd grade and our kids just got done with their state testing last Wednesday. The rest of the week was insane...it was like everyone absolutely shut down. The kids' last day is May 29...my last day is June 1.
I've been putting off schoolwork too! ?My lesson plans are finished, but I have to work on class placements for next year. ?We're suppose to have them turned in on Wednesday!
Re: so productive till the time comes to...
I teach 1st grade too. Not only am I burnt out but the kids are so over being in the same room with the same kids. They are driving each other crazy!
Thanks! My assistant principal is pretty laid back, and I teach kiddos with Mental Disabilities, so she realizes that things can get pretty hectic in my room.I'm so jealous that you're finished so soon. We go until June 12th, but the last 3 days are half days, so that makes it a little better.
Yeah my kids are starting to make me crazy too. I think its spring coming lol. I do have a tough group this year though too.
I teach 3rd grade and our kids just got done with their state testing last Wednesday. The rest of the week was insane...it was like everyone absolutely shut down. The kids' last day is May 29...my last day is June 1.