Seriously sooooo good! It is the slow churned so it is soft & creamy. Pretty low fat and low cals. But I guess it is not that low fat after the 2nd or 3rd bowl.....
Mmmm, thats my favorite flavor. I bought some the other day and I had one bowl before DH finished it and put the empty carton back in the freezer! Aaaaaah! The sad part is I actually bought it for DS but he never knew I need to get back to the store and buy 2 more.
I bought it, ate some and forgot about it for a couple days so it could have been 2 late night ice cream fests for DH but I wouldn't put past him to eat the whole carton in one sitting. All this talk about mint cookie ice cream is making hungry, I NEED to get some more.
Yummy, that sounds great! My favorite ice cream is Turkey Hill Mint Chocolate Cookie frozen yogurt, and I bet that tastes similar!
"For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever."
Re: Yum! Edy's mint cookie crunch low fat ice cream
It is in the tan container and it is like mint ice cream with oreo cookies! I mix it with a little of the vanilla
I thought you meant DH finished it in one seating. It is a large container! But I do get upset if my DH eats some