Hey, you're a derm nurse, right? I have a mole in my armpit that has started hurting. I've never gone to a dermatologist and the one I called can't get me in for 6 weeks. I'm just wondering if it's ok to have it removed while pregnant (if I get pg this cycle) or if I should try calling other derms. I can't think of any reason they couldn't do it while pg, but just want to make sure, just in case. TIA
Re: *mandee*
Its perfectly safe to get it removed when pregnant. Just be sure to ask them to use plain lidocaine and not to use anything with epinephrine in it. We perform surgical procedures on pregnant women all the time and its safe.
However, I am betting they will simply just shave the mole off which means no sutures and it uses minimal amount of local anesthesia.