...or have a fairly short list...
Do you get upset/annoyed/whatever when you see someone else on the boards deciding on that name?
So far I've not seen anyone mention my favourite name for a girl (or a boy, for that matter, hmm)... but I keep seeing Samuels popping up on the 0-6month boards. My son's name. I thought it wasn't that common of a name! Bleh.
Re: For those of you who already have chosen a name...
The way I see it is that unless you invent a name...someone is going to share that name. If you love it, use it!
When I named my daughter Madison...no one was named Madison! Then everyone was named Madison! It made me realize that Madi is my Madi and no matter who else had that name she was special to me...and that was that.
My mom said that when she named me back in the early 80s, Sarah was not a popular name. I ended up having at least 2 other Sarah's in my class every year in school... You can't change what other people are going to do, and you shouldn't change what you want to do because someone else might use the name. If you love it, use it!
LOL that is how I felt! There was even a girl in the paper when Madi was a year that had her same middle and last name (sp differently)! It freaked me out! But I had to reel in my inner scorpio and move on!
BTW Sammy is a cutie pie!
I don't have my name posted, but I know they aren't copying. It is a strange thing with names, a lot of people tend to think of them at once. There is a word for this in social psychology but I can't think of it!
A few years ago I thought of the names Cadence and Marley for girls. I had NEVER heard either name before EVER, and didn't mention them to anyone except DH. Now these names have become pretty popular.. I have no idea why, except other people were somehow thinking the same thing...
If you really want your child to have a unique name I guess it is a good idea to see what other people on boards are naming babies, because it seems to happen all at once and you can't tell from looking at the names from the last year or year before.?
Nope. We didnt pick our name because we thought no one else would have it, we picked it because we liked it.
I mean I am a Mary who went to catholic school and was one of 7 or 8 Mary's and I turned out just fine...well I cant blame my problems on there being too many other girls with my name!
nah - I don't really care. I don't know y'all in real life so its not like we will have a bunch of kids at school with the same name!
I haven't seen anyone else post the name we are using. ?It's not a very commonly used name, but it is one that everyone knows. ?Out close friends actually have a daughter with the same name. ?We asked them how they would feel if we used it and they were beyond flattered! ?As pp's have said, even if the name we chose was common, we would still use it because it's a name we love (and it was not an easy task for us to find a girl's name that we both loved!!).
By the way, if we were having a boy, his name would have been Sam. ?:)?
We haven't shared our names AT ALL (sorta). We haven't even spoken them to each other since we decided. I have only sort of kind of shared our little boy's name with one bumpie, and only hypothetically...
I trust she won't tell DH's or my families... or the rest of the world. I only told her because she was considering the same first name and was trying to come up with a NN for it, so I offered her ours.
We are still keeping our girl name secret because we want to use it if #2 is a girl. I've never EVER seen anyone choose this name, which I find odd since its not at the complete bottom of the name pool. (It's a family name on my side)
Oh I hear ya!
Sure, no one has rights to a name and blah blah blah but it still bums me out! Not when I see 'our' name on the boards (or maybe because I haven't seen it) but friends of MH just had twin girls and used our name. It was one of those WTF?! moments lol
Exactly this!
And my Madison is 13 years old
we have a 3 name list:
Noah Patrick
Leah Patricia
Samantha Patricia
It wouldn't bother me if someone else used them.
Baking Blog
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
LOL mine is 16!
No one on the boards have chosen my name. I am keeping it a secret though besides to my family/friends. Some people at work know, but other than that- I'm keeping it hush hush.
That's horrible! Molly is my favorite cousin's name and I love it! Good choice.
I've only seen one or two other people on the boards pick Evan but it doesn't bother me because the name has very special meaning to me and DH. Even if I saw 100 people in one day decide on Evan I would still love it and it wouldn't take away from how special it is!
As for the girl name I had picked out - Keira - a coworker just had a baby girl in March and used the name after hearing me say it was our girl name. I was not bothered by it only because the other names she had picked out were hideous and sounded completely made-up so I was happy she gave her daughter what I consider to be a beautiful name. LOL