No, I do not mind to play DD. And I will volunteer to do this, but from now on it's on my freaking terms.
Last weekend I ended up out at a bar until 2:00 in the morning waiting on my drunk friend to decide she was ready to leave.
It is currently 4:19 am and I am still awake - I just got back from driving my brother all the way across town (35 minutes one way) after a card game at my house.
I know that before I got pregnant, I loved the person who'd volunteer to DD and I love to be that person for others, but for fvck's sake this is ridiculous.
Re: I have learned an important lesson
ditto, there is no way I can stay up that late!!
1st pregnancy: m/c began 1/12/09 d&c 1/13/09 8wks. Baby stopped growing at about 6wks.
Delaney: Born 10/15/09
Gavin: Born 4/8/11
Baby #3: due July 10, 2014
Exactly and it's my fault for volunteering. We should have MADE my brother stay over last night, and I should have MADE my friend leave that bar at 10:30 last weekend. I can't do this sh*t anymore. I'm too tired.