So, I've been at my sister and BIL's since Tues helping them with their new baby. She was born a week ago today via unplanned c-section. I am SO thrilled to be an aunt and have loved spending the week with them. I haven't thought of my own "lack there of" at all this week - just sheer joy for them. I fly home tomorrow morn, and secretly I can't wait to get home and break down into dh's arms. The tears have been brewing all day. How lame does this make me?
Re: Late night confession
Not lame at all. Makes you human
Congrats on your niece!
I think it's a completely natural reaction. Don't beat yourself up! It's ok to be absolutely over the moon for them....but wonder why you can't have it for yourself. We've all been there. Hang in there!!
"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible"--Harry, When Harry Met Sally
You're not lame at all. Quite a few of us would have the same reaction.
Congrats on being an auntie!