I just got off work an hour early because I have really bad diarrhea. UGH! WHY???? For the past 2 days my stomach has hurt so bad and I have had the damn sh!ts. For 2 days!!!!
I am so miserable! I just took some meds for it. I hope it helps.
Oh you poor thing! I suffer from IBS so I know exactly how you feel! Its not fun! Try eating a can of peaches. Seriously! My doc told me to do it to relieve a bad stomach and it honestly works!
I understand how you feel. I am lactose intolerant and it sucks! It came out of no where when my DH and I first started dating. It was no fun getting sick in his dirty college house!
~Married- 10.20.2007~ TTC Since- 4.3.2009
~BFP#1- 8.25.2009 ~ Missed M/C and D&C-10.9.2009
~BFP#2-8.12.2010 ~ EDD- 4.20.2011~ It
That sucks. I know at my office a nasty stomach flu bug has circulated...some got it worse than others...but the worst cases had it coming out from BOTH ends!
Re: I going to get personal!
As long as you keep it at home, and don't go clothes shopping...
Oh bummer! Well, maybe try imodium and tums and hope for the best
I hope you feel better soon!
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