engrider18 Why would you go through the trouble of editing your post only to DD it? This does not give us all the warm and fuzzy feeling upon your arrival.
Just wanted to say hi
...Hi I figured I should do a brief introduction since I've been coming on the board for the past week or so to get information.
My DH and I just got married in January and we were going to wait to TTC until next year because I wasn't ready, but its all I can think of lately. I have never had a "normal" cycle and take Progesterone 5 days every month to bring on my period. This was a blessing when we didn't want to have children but now I wish I had a normal monthly cycle.
I've decided to start tracking and using OPT to try to pinpoint the schedule of my cycle, if there is even one. Trying to track will be a challenge but I know the payoff will be worth it in the end. I'm just glad there is a place I can come to talk to other women traveling through the same journey. So thats a little back story and the beginning of this crazy ride. I look forward to getting to know everyone |
Joined on 01-13-2008
Glasgow, Scotland (hometown: Cincinnati and DC)
151,550 Points
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Holy wall of text. Welcome, but I couldn't read that at all! Spacing and pargraphs are your friend. GL! |
Joined on 09-20-2008
Gwinnett County, GA
160,624 Points
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Hi, I couldnt even read that. Space please? Edit?? |
My BlogMy Chart Labor Buddy to Kaymee!! We are due on the same day!! Labor Buddy to Stacialynn!! Woot one week apart bfpb to nova & paul and Lina, will you get ktfu already please!!   
Goddess of Defective Empty Utes--IT AINT EMPTY NOW BIIATCH |
Joined on 01-21-2008
Bucks County PA
28,993 Points
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welcome & gl |
Re: Umm yea DD not cool....engrider18
All you needed to do was to go back, edit and hit enter and separate that giant wall o' text into paragraphs.
I wasn't being snippy, just honest. I can't read stuff that has poor spacing and punctuation.
it's called a kilt, he's scottish
And deleting it makes it all better?
No one was making snide remarks that it was bad or long just that we could not read that mess without proper paragraphes and spacing. I mean seriously was that worth deleting and having everyone remember that you used to cowardly way out??
Really you thought those were snippy? You need to get some thicker skin if those comments upset you. Better yet why don't you go to the GP on the nest...you'lll fit in better there
Its just a post. I don't see why this is such a big deal.
Seriously, grow up. Those comments were honest and if you think those were "snippy," this is clearly not the board for you.?
It is considered very poor form and rude. If you lurk a bit on the board you'd see this.
it's called a kilt, he's scottish
This is why you should actually lurk and read posts before posting yourself or you would have known it.
Because people took the time to comment. Apparantly you fibbed when you said you'd lurked or you would have known that DD is a big no no here.
I said I've been on for about a week. That is not long enough to know all the "rules".
I would
1) apologize for the DD
2) repost your intro/story with paragraphs
3) read gpnest.wordpress.com
4) lurk, take the FF tutorials and read TCOYF
it's called a kilt, he's scottish
thank you for the positive response. I thought about reposting but I could only imagine the responses I would get after what I've read.
Yup do what Mel said. Also theres at least one Dd a day......enough that if a lurker lurked the lurker would know this:)
unfortunately I cant claim the lurking title. I only get to when I'm at work without stuff to do so its not often enough to notice any deletions. Usually don't end up online during the weekend since I want to be no where near a computer on my days off!
With this being said then you cant claim to have lurked. There are FAQ on the top of the page. Read them, learn them, Love them.
Repost your intro sans lurking title