2nd Trimester

Because it's so slow....

I wouldn't normally bug you guys with this, but since it's so slow, what the heck?

 Our big u/s is on Thursday morning and I'm very excited but I feel like a giant a-hole because I want it to be a boy so badly. 

Obviously, what I want most is a healthy baby.  But what I want second is a little boy. 

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Re: Because it's so slow....

  • To be honest, I think a lot of people have a preference of what they want their child to be. I honestly wanted a little girl (if only to spite my MIL, lol)... but I'm so excited for a boy now. Once you get over the shock of whether its a boy/girl, it's just so much fun to see them and how they are developing on the u/s. You're gonna love it!
  • I think it's okay to go in with a slight preference, so long as you won't hold it against the child for the rest of her life if in fact it is female.  My aunt just found out the other day what she is having, and she really wanted a girl (they already have a boy).  She was a little disappointed that he is male, however she will still love him just as much either way.

    BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
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    BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12
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  • I want a girl and I don't feel like an a-hole.
  • Kflie83Kflie83 member
    I think you're pretty normal.
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  • mine's on monday and we both have a slight preference, i think, but i'm more nervous for everything else! meaning that i hope it has all its fingers and toes, and that its heart is healthy and its spine is developing correctly and all of that.

    that being said, i will be SHOCKED if it's a girl because i really, really think we're having a boy.

  • LMAO. I don't think you're a buttface. I think it's normal to feel a preference. I personally am hoping for a boy.

    The other night I had a dream that we were at the big ultrasound and it was a girl. I woke up and was disappointed. So now I'm bracing myself hoping to get over the disappointment quicker if it is a girl. I feel like a schmuck for feeling DISAPPOINTED, too ... b/c it's a baby and I love it no matter what.

    But yeah, I feel your pain. But you're not a butthead/face. =)

    ETA: and it's not just A baby ... it's MY baby that I made with my best friend and love of my life! =)

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  • We all pray for a healthy bundle of joy. However, in addition to that we also pray for what we want. I have 2 boys and I'm praying for a healthy girl. My odds are sort of against me I think but I'm staying hopeful. If it's a boy I will get over it soons as I'm told but it's time for my "Ladybug" pleassssssssssssse. Lol
  • imageLizBusch:

    mine's on monday and we both have a slight preference, i think, but i'm more nervous for everything else! meaning that i hope it has all its fingers and toes, and that its heart is healthy and its spine is developing correctly and all of that.

    that being said, i will be SHOCKED if it's a girl because i really, really think we're having a boy.

    ditto on everything - even the Monday u/s.  I started freaking myself out though.  I still haven't felt the baby move.  Im really looking forward to making sure everything is ok.  I think its a boy.  I want a girl, but DH wants a boy so we'll both be happy either way. 

     ps - someone posted an article the other day about coping with gender disappointment if anyone has a really hard time with it. 

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  • imagepurple_posies:

    LMAO. I don't think you're a buttface. I think it's normal to feel a preference. I personally am hoping for a boy.

    The other night I had a dream that we were at the big ultrasound and it was a girl. I woke up and was disappointed. So now I'm bracing myself hoping to get over the disappointment quicker if it is a girl. I feel like a schmuck for feeling DISAPPOINTED, too ... b/c it's a baby and I love it no matter what.

    But yeah, I feel your pain. But you're not a butthead/face. =)

    ETA: and it's not just A baby ... it's MY baby that I made with my best friend and love of my life! =)

    Yeah, I'm kind of afraid I'll start crying if it's not a boy.  I think part of is that I feel the baby moving around already and sort of just feel like it's okay, so I'm not as worried about that as maybe I should be.  Or maybe I'm just deflecting.

     Thanks for everyone's help!!!

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  • I wanted a girl and really thought that's what we were having. Found out it was a boy - was super excited for about an hour then grumpy as heck for two days. Now I'm over it and super excited again. But I am still scared that we'll end up with all boys (like DH's family)... if that happens then DH has agreed we can adopt a girl! Don't get me wrong, I love boys too (have two awesome brothers) but I just really want at least one daughter!
  • I felt exactly the same way, but I think it's normal. Just not something acceptable to talk about outside of these circles. Stick out tongue

    What DH and I did were think of all the reasons it would be great if it were a girl on the way (she would grow up close in age to our niece) so that it would still be easy to celebrate if it were a girl.

    During the appt., a lot more goes on than just "it's a ________" so I found myself really focusing on all the great things the tech was pointing out...heart, kidneys, etc., how everything measured, and it totally took my mind off the "big question".

    In fact, my advice for everyone who hasn't had it yet to ask your tech a lot of questions, and tell them at the beginning to explain what they're looking at. You really focus so much more on how perfect your baby is that by the time they get to gender, you almost aren't thinking about it!

    Oh man, I'm hormonal today...I just teared up a little writing that!

    Um, yeah. The Bump be too crazy for pics of my kid.
  • imageheatherlane:

    I felt exactly the same way, but I think it's normal. Just not something acceptable to talk about outside of these circles. Stick out tongue

    What DH and I did were think of all the reasons it would be great if it were a girl on the way (she would grow up close in age to our niece) so that it would still be easy to celebrate if it were a girl.

    During the appt., a lot more goes on than just "it's a ________" so I found myself really focusing on all the great things the tech was pointing out...heart, kidneys, etc., how everything measured, and it totally took my mind off the "big question".

    In fact, my advice for everyone who hasn't had it yet to ask your tech a lot of questions, and tell them at the beginning to explain what they're looking at. You really focus so much more on how perfect your baby is that by the time they get to gender, you almost aren't thinking about it!

    Oh man, I'm hormonal today...I just teared up a little writing that!

    That's great advice.  I'll remember to ask the tech at the beginning to explain everything.  Ok, now I'm a little less nervous.  

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  • I wanted a boy and felt guilty for wanting a boy for our first...Of course I would be happy either way, just wanted a healthy baby, but I think its only human nature to have a slight preference:) I think it is completely normal, but I think once you find out the news, either way, its so completely exciting!!! We are having a boy!
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