Everyone does it differently, but I've been told that after 4 weeks you jump to the next month. Therefore, at 17 weeks you're in your 5th month (even though you're technically only 4 months along). Does that make any sense???
This board is an open forum - if somebody has a question she does not deserve to have such smart aleck responses! Please drop the attitude and "thee art smarter than thou" attitude! With kindness, Thank you!
I tend to not go by months cause imo the 10 month timeline is BS. 13wks 3 days is 2nd tri start and start of the 4th month. 3rd tri start is 26wks and 6 days and so the start of the 7th month. That puts 5 months starting between 17 and 18wks. Its all pretty confusing which is why I stick the the weeks.
Re: when does the fifth month of pregnancy begin?
I say this with nothing but love....
For heavens sake, please learn to google. thx.
i did google it. im not getting anywhere with it
This was the first link to pop up.
Let's do the math.
Technically, there are usually four weeks in each month.
5 months x's 4 weeks = 20 weeks.
The 17th week is the 1st week of your 5th month. It runs from the 17th-20th
Technically that is
this is my opinion only:
20w = beginning of 5 months
24w= beginning of 6 months
28w= beginning of 7th month...etc...
ending at 36w-40w being the 9th month, beginning to end.
Jacob Alexander 7/23/09
Allergic to Dairy, Eggs and Peanuts
Jameson Adam 6/1/11
Allergic to Peas...so far