Trying to Get Pregnant

You guys wil LOVE this story-long but worth it

So my hubs has a 2nd job and works part time as a Fedex delivery driver. He does a Saturday route in downtown Phoenix. He just called me and told me this story:

He delivers to the State Lab every week. They usually will not accept specimen deliveries on Saturdays. Well today he walks in with an "important" package. In the lab there are tons of labcoats walking around which is unusual. He tries to deliver the specimen pkg and jokes with the guy that he knows they won't take it, but it's marked "urgent". The lab guy immediately says- "No, no, we're taking this one."

So the hubs starts thinking and then jokes more with the guy, "Did I just deliver swine flu samples to you?ha ha" And the guy kinda looks at him and laughs, "Well we hope not, but we'll find out."

So hubs finishes the delivery and then walks out of the lab. As he is leaving, he sees the lab guys douse the package with disinfectant spray.

At that time the hubs immediately runs to the Mexican restaurant across the street and pretty much takes a bath in the sink of the restroom.

I am dying of laughter right now. I mean tears, and tears of laughter!!!

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