Just dropping in to say hello and congrats to all the regulars BFPs!!! OMG there were alot of you I see! Congrats and H&H 9 months to you all.
Been in Montreal the last little while visiting family, my mom has been pretty sick so DH and I decided we'd fly back to help her out for a bit. How is everyone today??
Re: Good Morning GP
Hey Niki!
I'm at work, boo.
How are you?
Bella!! I haven't talked to you in forever! How are you?? Boo to being at work! If I was at home I would be at work today too.
I am doing alright, just helping my mom out until she gets a little better. I slept in today and woke up about 30 minutes ago, so I guess it's technically afternoon but I'm still on BC time.
Thanks! I hope so too. They ran a bunch of tests and she's on antibiotics now so I'm sure she will be better soon. She's had kidney problems forever and this time was just so much worse which is why I flew cross country to see her. It is nice to see her though, being to far away I don't get to as much as I would like.
How's your Saturday going?
Thanks Niki!
I hope your mom is feeling better soon!
How's things going on the TTC front?
Thanks! She's taking the rights medications now so all should be fine.
We've gotten super lazy on the TTC front. I gave up charting so now I just check CM and we are just having fun. The last few weeks have been pretty crazy, I just couldn't get back into charting. How are things going with you?? Is your LP getting any longer?
I fail at charting, I think I shall commit again this month and maybe start using opk's, I didn't want to spend the money but I'm buying 2 tests every cycle at $20 anyway so...
I don't know if my lp is anylonger since I haven't been charting, this last cycle was only 24 days so I am highly doubtful.