I have been waiting for this dress for almost a month! I got it from an auction on a clothing site for only 25 bucks! It's so cute and twirly, I don't want to take it off.
Looks very cute...did you buy it for any special occasion???? or just got a great deal???
Married for 10 years, TTC 5 years dx: Male Factor Infertility, low sperm count, low motility History: 3 Clomid IUI's=3 BFN took a break from trying for the last 3 years Currently: met with doctor 2/2/16, actively TTC #1 again, excited
Psalm 113:9 "He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!" ***Fost/Adopt Parents, 1 y/o, 3 y/o***
Wow, that's pretty!! And only $25!!! That's awesome!
How are you feeling??
Honestly? I feel like shiit, but I'm trying to stay positive, lol. I moved up to the next size of tampon, and i'm STILL bleeding through them, so it sucks pretty bad. I hope it will be over with soon.
So, to cheer myself, I am going out with my friend today to do some tattoo research. We are getting our first tattoos next week.
Wow, that's pretty!! And only $25!!! That's awesome!
How are you feeling??
Honestly? I feel like shiit, but I'm trying to stay positive, lol. I moved up to the next size of tampon, and i'm STILL bleeding through them, so it sucks pretty bad. I hope it will be over with soon.
So, to cheer myself, I am going out with my friend today to do some tattoo research. We are getting our first tattoos next week.
Ugh, that sux
Oooh, tattoo should be fun! I remember you mentioning that in the tattoo post the other day. Can't wait to see what you get!!
Looks very cute...did you buy it for any special occasion???? or just got a great deal???
Nope, just loved it and wanted to see if I could get it cheap. This site does auctions now every week or so, I check back to see if there is anything I like. When you win the auction, they will make the item for you, in whatever size you choose. If there is a good enough response, then they will sell the item to the masses.
Cool website....but what the heck is up with these?
Bwahahaha! I don't know.
and Thanks Melaina, but I got that part covered. My friend and I are going to go to a few tattoo parlors and talk to the artists to see if they will be able to do what we have in mind. My tattoo is pretty complicated, and I want to make sure they will be able to do it right, and find out how long it will take, and how much $$.
Married for 10 years, TTC 5 years dx: Male Factor Infertility, low sperm count, low motility History: 3 Clomid IUI's=3 BFN took a break from trying for the last 3 years Currently: met with doctor 2/2/16, actively TTC #1 again, excited
Psalm 113:9 "He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!" ***Fost/Adopt Parents, 1 y/o, 3 y/o***
"For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever."
Re: Wahoo!! My dress came!
yay! i remember that dress! wahooo!
also, hello to you (i just woke up)
it's called a kilt, he's scottish
Wow, that's pretty!! And only $25!!! That's awesome!
How are you feeling??
dx: Male Factor Infertility, low sperm count, low motility
3 Clomid IUI's=3 BFN
took a break from trying for the last 3 years
met with doctor 2/2/16, actively TTC #1 again, excited
***Fost/Adopt Parents, 1 y/o, 3 y/o***
So, to cheer myself, I am going out with my friend today to do some tattoo research. We are getting our first tattoos next week.
It's so pretty!
Ugh, that sux
Oooh, tattoo should be fun! I remember you mentioning that in the tattoo post the other day. Can't wait to see what you get!!
cute dress!!
Are you going to tell us what tattoo you're getting, or making us wait until you get it??
Nope, just loved it and wanted to see if I could get it cheap. This site does auctions now every week or so, I check back to see if there is anything I like. When you win the auction, they will make the item for you, in whatever size you choose. If there is a good enough response, then they will sell the item to the masses.
https://www.chicstar.com/storefront/listCategories.aspx?listType=3good good here. about to go shop for a baby shower present (showers tonight, whoops!)
how are you?! did you ever get ahold of your Doc yesterday?
This website is great for tattoo research:
it's called a kilt, he's scottish
Cool website....but what the heck is up with these?
and Thanks Melaina, but I got that part covered.
My friend and I are going to go to a few tattoo parlors and talk to the artists to see if they will be able to do what we have in mind. My tattoo is pretty complicated, and I want to make sure they will be able to do it right, and find out how long it will take, and how much $$.
dx: Male Factor Infertility, low sperm count, low motility
3 Clomid IUI's=3 BFN
took a break from trying for the last 3 years
met with doctor 2/2/16, actively TTC #1 again, excited
***Fost/Adopt Parents, 1 y/o, 3 y/o***
OaD August siggy challenge- fav show that's off the air: