Well I finally received the crib my Dad ordered for us. It was backordered for a while. The UPS man left it lying against my garage door. So I opened the garage to go to work and it falls to the ground behind my car. (I didn't know it was there...nice of him to ring the doorbell.) So here I am 6 months pregnant, home alone, and had to move the crib from behind my car so I could go to work. DH checks it out when he got home and it is totally damaged. There are holes in the wood and box. SO I call BRU and they will have UPS pick it up, and credit my Dad's credit card. She asks if I can take it to a UPS facility..No, that's why it was delivered in the first place! Why can't they just pick it up and send me a new crib??? That's their policy the woman told me. But if he references the order number he will get 10% off and free shipping. Well now it's not really free shipping since he already paid for it the first time. So now my Dad has to order another crib and with my luck it will be out of stock again. I hope I will not have any more trouble with BRU/UPS because I live out of state from my whole family and I know I will be getting a lot of deliveries. OK, rant over. Thanks.
Re: Damaged crib...vent...
my dresser top was ruined, and i contacted the manufacturer (the info was provided in the instructions). i just sent an email explaining the problem, included pictures, and viola! in 7-10 days they will be shipping me a replacement top.
seriously, don't stress about it too much. we still have plenty of time to get stuff like this fixed.
Our dresser/changing table came in two days ago and it appears that some asshat dropped it because the front corner is dented in and there's a chunk of wood missing. We didn't find this out until we tore the box open in our living room. BRU doesn't have delivery guys to come pick it up, so we have to somehow get it back into our car once a new one comes in.
So until then, we have this120lbs pile of crap sitting in our walkway
Headache huh?