I just wanted to drop in and introduce myself. Our IF issue is severe MFI. Our second IVF in April was a success. 1st beta on 4/20/09 was 385 and today I had my six week U/S and there are two sacs! Yikes, I'm still in shock and it's been very hard to concentrate on anything else today. We are scheduled for another u/s next Friday-hopefully we will see two heartbeats!
Is it normal to be worried about everything??? I was so nervous before today's ultrasound and thankfully we received very good news, but I feel that I'm more worried than excited. Am I nuts?
Well, just quick note to say "Hey" and to say that I'm glad to be here.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Re: XP: Cautiously joining in.....
so many SAIF'ers coming over here lately! I am one myself. (clomid/IUI for both my pgs).
you will worry more when your babies are born - it's never ending- but yeah- it's esp hard early on not to worry. Lots of prayer got me though it.
prayers and vibes for a good 2nd US!