Trying to Get Pregnant

Your best answers to my least favorite ?

BZ's post got me thinking.

DH and I (and I'm sure EVERYONE else on GP) have been asked for the past few years the same question.  The question we all get, and all hate.

"So when are you guys going to have a kid?"

No one in my family, but my mom and dad, knows about my fun times down the road towards cervical cancer.  NO ONE in DH's family knows.  My grandmother MAY know, because she suddenly stopped taking part in these conversations.

I don't think people realize how hurtful that question can be.  So, without further ado, what's your best "STFU!" answer to that question.  I'd love to say something to get everyone to just stop thinking it's okay to ask that.


Re: Your best answers to my least favorite ?

  • I usually make it obvious I am put off by the question and say, "I don't know," which usually ends that line of questioning.

    I do remember the 1st time I got asked that question. It was in the receiving line at my wedding almost 6 years ago! That time, I said, "One thing at a time, one thing at a time!"


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  • When we get asked that, our response is "not for a long time".   Hee Hee, won't people be suprised!  We want NO ONE to know we're trying, I haven't told a soul, which is really hard considering I tell DH's sister pretty much everything.  I've had to just Zip it!!

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  • When we are ready, not when everyone else wants us to. Big Smile That does shut them up pretty quickly.
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  • stayceestaycee member
    DH and I were having trouble TTC.   Most of our close friends/family were aware and sensitive to it.   However, there was this one family friend that we would run into at various gatherings - and she would constantly ask.    Got to the point where we said "as soon as enough people contribute to our IVF fund".    It shut her up.
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  • I say, "When God wills it.... "

    It works everytime. Topic is then swiftly changed.

  • I say I want to wait until I've been in remission for a while before we think of that...
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  • imagestaycee:
    DH and I were having trouble TTC.   Most of our close friends/family were aware and sensitive to it.   However, there was this one family friend that we would run into at various gatherings - and she would constantly ask.    Got to the point where we said "as soon as enough people contribute to our IVF fund".    It shut her up.

    Surprise This is good.


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  • imagejme515:

    I usually make it obvious I am put off by the question and say, "I don't know," which usually ends that line of questioning.

    I do remember the 1st time I got asked that question. It was in the receiving line at my wedding almost 6 years ago! That time, I said, "One thing at a time, one thing at a time!"

    I was just talking about this with a friend yesterday.  My smart a$$ answer (which I never used but wanted to) was: "As soon as you all get out of here, so stop drinking eat up and leave!"

    However, we have now been married for almost 4 years and still do not have kids.  People have stopped asking. 

    If someone asked me today I would tell them: "We don't like children, they smell and are loud we are trying to adopt a college kid!" 

    I would love to do this but would never have the guts to!

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  • ...about nine months after I get KTFU.
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  • imageAJflowers:
    ...about nine months after I get KTFU.

    I like this!

    Usually I say, "I'll make sure to let you know when we decide to start trying." That usually keeps them from asking again

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