Trying to Get Pregnant

Red Light Ladies (or anyone really)

Do any of you still talk to Flip? I've been thinking of her a lot and just wondering how she's doing. If any of you do, please tell her I said Hi and that I'm thinking of her..

Does she still have a blog up?

Re: Red Light Ladies (or anyone really)

  • I was wondering about her, too.
    ?Transatlantic Blonde?
    it's called a kilt, he's scottish
  • She is doing good, she is staying very busy! I will tell her she has some people over here that are wondering about her.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • imagelyse2143:
    She is doing good, she is staying very busy! I will tell her she has some people over here that are wondering about her.

    Thank you Lyse! That is wonderful to hear!

    I've been meaning to post this for weeks but never have. Does she still blog? Tell her we would love to see her pretty face around here, even if it's just to say hi and give us an update on how she's doing.

  • image
    ?Transatlantic Blonde?
    it's called a kilt, he's scottish
  • I will definitely tell her and let her know there is a post here for her. She has a new blog but it is private. I miss her around here too!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imagelyse2143:
    I will definitely tell her and let her know there is a post here for her. She has a new blog but it is private. I miss her around here too!

    Thanks L. Tell her I would also love access to her blog Big Smile that is if she doesn't mind a well-wishing blog stalker!

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