Trying to Get Pregnant

Weird arse GP dream

Totally had a dream that I went to a GP get together of sorts.  However, I showed up topless and had to borrow a shirt from someone (I think it might of been Insy....).  Then CathyMD came up to me and started kind of interviewing me while I was putting on tons of lipstick.

I think I've been "bumping" too much this week!

Re: Weird arse GP dream

  • I have weird TTC dreams and they mostly involve GP!   one time we all had name tags that had our charts on them...and of course everyone was fighting (that was when all the drama was going on) and then another time we were all BFFs at a bar/club and the GP mamas were our DDs and got us all back home safely! haha, back away from the

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Haha that is funny! Ive had a few GP dreams. Nothing too crazy. Just been spending waaay to much time on here!
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