I don't think LadyM is here so I'll do spirit fingers in her abscense. ( I think the egg gets to do that, I'm like the understudy)
::spirit fingers::
BWHAHAHAA! i am literally getting picked up for a birthday dinner (that i am not dressed for) in 8 minutes... but i pop on GP to see what's up, and this is the top message on the board.
Re: For the ladies heading up my TTC parade committee
I don't think LadyM is here so I'll do spirit fingers in her abscense. ( I think the egg gets to do that, I'm like the understudy)
::spirit fingers::
Zach Rance 4 President
I'm on the red carpet committee if you recall.
I'll get it vacuumed and ready for roll out.
BWHAHAHAA! i am literally getting picked up for a birthday dinner (that i am not dressed for) in 8 minutes... but i pop on GP to see what's up, and this is the top message on the board.
Christy- Lily and I are ON THAT SHIIIT.
okay, i really have to go now.
:::Spirit Fingers Out:::
You guys are the best parade committtee ever!!!
Oh, and Mandee, btw...you are totally wearing that costume.
I can't stop staring at this! Classic.
Christy, I can totally rock this costume but I need eggs like dozens so I can sling them at the crowd!
Jess, I googled super uterus
Zach Rance 4 President
Here's a float for the parade: