Did they fade over time, and if so, by what age did you notice a difference?
DD was born with angel kisses on both eyelids as well as the classic Vshaped pattern between her brows. She also has a stork bite on the back of nape of her neck (like DH, DS and myself) and one on the crown of her head.
Re: If your child was born with "angel kisses" or "stork bites"
Liam is 5!
DD 1/29/07 -
Mary Catherine was born with a pretty dark one on the back of her neck. It faded away by nine months or so.
I had one on my eye lid when I was born that went away, and DS1 did also. It was gone after about a month or two.
DH has the patch on the back of his neck. DS1 was born with that also, and although now at 3.5 it's a little faded, I can still see it. It's higher up on his hairline than DH's so it's harder to see. DS2 was born with that also, but his is even smaller and fainter. I wouldn't be surprised if his was gone by the time he was 4-5.
DD has a "mongolian spot" - a coworker once told me that 100% of babies whose ancestry can be traced back to ancient China (in DD's case, Korea) get them. It looks like a brownish-blueish bruise, and it's on the back of her head. One time, daycare called me freaking out b/c they thought she'd somehow gotten an unnoticed head injury. I had to explain to them what is was... lol. It will most likely never go away. Lucky for her it's under the hairline! DH's is a dime-sized, bright blue dot on his leg. It's pretty cute.
My DD will be 3 in July. The one on the nape of her neck is there, but faded.
The ones on her face/eyes faded sometime in the last couple of years...within her first year we only saw them when she was really flipping out. I don't notice them at all now.
DD was also born with angel kisses on her eyelids, one on the side of her nostril, and a stork bite on her neck by her hairline (she presented OP-face up). Her angel kisses were pretty much gone by 3 months, but she just turned one and her stork bite is still there.
You cannot see the stork bite, though because her hair covers it.