
If your child was born with "angel kisses" or "stork bites"

Did they fade over time, and if so, by what age did you notice a difference? 

DD was born with angel kisses on both eyelids as well as the classic Vshaped pattern between her brows.  She also has a stork bite on the back of nape of her neck (like DH, DS and myself) and one on the crown of her head. 

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Re: If your child was born with "angel kisses" or "stork bites"

  • DD is 8 months and still has them. And man, do they flare up when she's pissed!
  • My nephew has one that is kind of draped across his eye and nose.  They were told it would fade with time but it hasn't.  Poor kid always gets told he had dirt on his face.  Good thing he's handled it pretty well!  And he's still one good looking kid!
    Liam is 5!
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  • DD was born w/ a angel kiss on her head, its still there she's 2 years old. You don't notice it b/c her hair is covering it. We call it an angel kiss b/c we found out we were expecting the day my grandpa passed away.
    Matt and Krystal 9-18-05
    DD 1/29/07 -

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  • Mary Catherine was born with a pretty dark one on the back of her neck.  It faded away by nine months or so.




  • DD was born with a rather dark stork bite on her forehead and the  nape of her neck.  Our pedi told us that it would be unnoticeable by age 3- I can still see it in certain light and when she is upset or hanga upside down. So not sure when hers will faded completely away.  She also said that the ones at the nape of the neck may not fade away completely. If you look closely at my siggy of C in her carseat you can see it still.
    *Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009* brimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • S has one on her cheek/by her ear on one side. She is 2.5 and it doesn't seem to be fading.?
  • I had one on my eye lid when I was born that went away, and DS1 did also. It was gone after about a month or two.

    DH has the patch on the back of his neck. DS1 was born with that also, and although now at 3.5 it's a little faded, I can still see it. It's higher up on his hairline than DH's so it's harder to see. DS2 was born with that also, but his is even smaller and fainter. I wouldn't be surprised if his was gone by the time he was 4-5. 

  • Henry had pretty dark ones on his forehead and on his eyelids. He also had one on the nape of his neck. By the time he was 1, you could only see them when he was mad or crying or something. The one one the nape of his neck has not faded at all.
  • DD had one on her eyelid and one on the back of her neck.  They both faded by 9ish months, but I'm not sure exactly when.  I just remember realizing one day that they were gone.
  • DD has a "mongolian spot" - a coworker once told me that 100% of babies whose ancestry can be traced back to ancient China (in DD's case, Korea) get them. It looks like a brownish-blueish bruise, and it's on the back of her head. One time, daycare called me freaking out b/c they thought she'd somehow gotten an unnoticed head injury. I had to explain to them what is was... lol. It will most likely never go away. Lucky for her it's under the hairline! DH's is a dime-sized, bright blue dot on his leg. It's pretty cute. :p

  • My Pedi said in 90% of cases they will be gone by the time the child enters kindergarten. 
  • By a year old, her "angel kiss" was significantly faded. She's almost two and it's completely gone. Ditto, PP. That thing would turn bright, red and bulge whenever she'd cry. We'd call it her Anger Gauge.
    Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • DS had pretty noticeable ones on both eyelids and a large, very dark one on the nape of his neck. All were unnoticeable by a year (although the one on his neck may just be partially covered by hair, now...I can't really tell if it is there or not)
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  • Henry was born with them between his brows, on the back of his neck and on his lower back. They have really faded but are still there and when he gets hot/flushed, they get darker.

      ~~~Big brother 11.29.05 & Little Brother 6.18.09~~~  
  • My DD still has hers, but they are continuing to lighten. She's 2.5yrs old. She also has a hemangioma on her belly. Our pedi still seems to think all of them will go away by age 3 or 4.
  • DD had them. She had one between her eyebrows and on the back of her head.  They both faded, but you can see them when she is upset and only when she is upset pretty much or at least the one on her face, I don't know about the one on her head obviously due to the hair.
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • My DD will be 3 in July. The one on the nape of her neck is there, but faded.

    The ones on her face/eyes faded sometime in the last couple of years...within her first year we only saw them when she was really flipping out. I don't notice them at all now.

  • DD was also born with angel kisses on her eyelids, one on the side of her nostril, and a stork bite on her neck by her hairline (she presented OP-face up).  Her angel kisses were pretty much gone by 3 months, but she just turned one and her stork bite is still there. 

     You cannot see the stork bite, though because her hair covers it. 

  • DS has one on one of his eyelids. It's still there but it has faded considerably.
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