2nd Trimester

Why do people feel they need to share?

I was just asked by a male co-worker if I was having any weird cravings yet.  I told him no I just craze like a fricken cow.  Thought the conversation was over but oh no!  He proceedes to tell me how his wife craved dirt and sidewalk chalk!! He actually caught her eating dirt WTF!!!  Why did I need to know this again??

Re: Why do people feel they need to share?

  • um, that means his wife had pica, a serious condition causes by iron deficiency. i hope she saught help....
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  • They sell a special kind of "edible" dirt in gas stations near Fort Benning, GA.  This is when I learned that this is a "common" pregnancy craving.  I have yet to want to eat dirt.
  • While I don't know why he felt the need to share, I hear thats pretty common i think its like a calcium deficiency (or one of those essential vitamins).
  • That's actually a condition called PICA. It's very dangerous actually if you give into said craving, but I hear that these women can't stop themselves.  Maybe he was worried for you with spring coming on? Maybe he thought'd you'd be looking out the window salivating over the landscape. Weird he told you that though....
  • Holy PICA!  I checked in a woman to triage once who told me she eats one piece of crayola chalk per day.....
  • Um because it's a condition called Pica and it's actually rather common in pregnancy. ?It can be treated and while I can appreciate it is disturbing, get used to it. That's NOTHING in terms of bad stories people love to share with you when you're pregnant.?

  • If I were craving dirt and my husband felt the need to tell everyone about it I would kick his @ss!
  • imagelbachelot:
    If I were craving dirt and my husband felt the need to tell everyone about it I would kick his @ss!

    Thank you, this I guess was the point of my post but I didn't convey that very well.  I'm sure his wife loved him telling me that she was eating dirt!

  • It sounds to me like your co-worker was just trying to strike up a conversation wit you.  He probably meant well.
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