Hello! Someone suggested that I page you on 2nd tri....gotta prob...where is the best place (online/store) to find long/x-tra long jeans or pants? I am 5"11 (doc says 6 feet!! ) anyways....newly preggers and wanted to get a jump start on looking for some fab pants....I know of Seven having some...they said you were a beautiful tall drink of water and could help. Totally thankful if you can!
Hello! Someone suggested that I page you on 2nd tri....gotta prob...where is the best place (online/store) to find long/x-tra long jeans or pants? I am 5"11 (doc says 6 feet!! ) anyways....newly preggers and wanted to get a jump start on looking for some fab pants....I know of Seven having some...they said you were a beautiful tall drink of water and could help. Totally thankful if you can!
lol at being a tall drink of water!!!
Old Navy or Sevens, m'dear. Screw Motherhood -- they're stuff is waaaay too short.
Haven't seen that in a while either...Love it! My BF (now DH) showed that to me when we first started dating so it will forever remind me of him! WTF mate? LOL!
Re: It has been years since I've seen this
Oh.My.God. Yeah, it's been years. I needed that more than you know.
lol at being a tall drink of water!!!
Old Navy or Sevens, m'dear. Screw Motherhood -- they're stuff is waaaay too short.
i lurve this. always have, always will.
wtf mate?
Mucho gracias....;-)
Haven't seen that in a while either...Love it! My BF (now DH) showed that to me when we first started dating so it will forever remind me of him! WTF mate? LOL!
Another oldie, but goodie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gz1DIIxmEE Don't forget the consummate V's and a beefy arm for good measure!