2nd Trimester

Found out gender at 14 and a half weeks

We went in for an ultrasound today because I had some bleeding recently and we wanted to make sure I didn't have a subchronic hematoma or a placenta previa. Everything looked prefect! Placenta in right place, symmetrical bone structure etc etc.

 We were not expecting to find out the sex, but our ultrascreen technician said that she could already tell what it was! I told her I had read that the earliest one could detect it by ultrasound was 18 weeks, and she told me that with her scanner she has been able to call it correctly as early as 13 weeks. I was a little shocked, and a tad bit sceptical, but she said she was 100% sure.

 So DH writes his very last exam this evening (he is a grad student at  vanderbilt and he graduates next week) and afterwards we are having dinner and opening the envelope to reveal the gender. I am cooking steak, asparagus with bernaise sauce, roasted tomatoes with fresh mozarella and basil, and roasted potatoes. We are having cheescake (from cheesecake factory) for dessert and I bought DH some champagne (sparkling water for me.) I am so excited I can't think, or work! you should have seen me at the grocery store, I was just floating around with this big goofy smile on my face!

has any one else ever found out this early? I will let you know after dinner if we are team pink or team blue!


Re: Found out gender at 14 and a half weeks

  • Just dont bank on this being 100%. Take it as an educated guess and wait for a later confirmation.

    Enjoy your dinner!

  • sorry, but there is no way in hell i would believe an u/s at 14 weeks. if you had genetic testing, yes, but u/s.. no way.
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  • No but thank you for just answering my previous question.  I was told you can by 4 people who were told between 13 and 15 weeks, and these were confirmed as correct at the big u/s.
  • We were told at 12 weeks it was a boy... then confirmed at 18 weeks.
  • I wouldn't paint the room just yet. My girlfriend found out gender at a surprise ultrasound at 15 weeks (boy) and at her big 20 week ultrasound, it was most definitely a girl.
  • I was always told you couldn't find out that early but hey, congrats!!
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  • I am excited for you, and all... sounds like you have great plans for tonight...

    But don't let a 14 week ultrasound set anything in stone for you.  Don't go painting a nursery pink or blue just yet.  I think you have an overly optimistic tech who just wants to excite you.  I would wait until a real 20 week u/s before getting into the mindframe of girl or boy.

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  • Wow, what a fun surprise. Based on posts I've read on these boards, it does seem that some technicians are able to accurately determine the gender that early. In fact, my father and his wife were told during their NT scan (at about 13 weeks) that they were probably having a girl (the tech said she was 80% sure), and indeed, they are.

    Congratulations and enjoy your dinner!

  • Congratulations but I wouldn't paint the nursery just yet.  Not even the "big" u/s at 20w is 100% accurate.

    Enjoy your wonderful dinner ~ I'm totally jealous  :)

    CafeMom Tickers
    CafeMom Tickers
  • imageKB0426:
    No but thank you for just answering my previous question.  I was told you can by 4 people who were told between 13 and 15 weeks, and these were confirmed as correct at the big u/s.

    Considering it's a 50/50 shot... not surprising.  Nor is it reason to believe such an early u/s prediction.

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  • I would not trust a 14 week u/s!!  I would assume its a boy just because I think you can tell earlier
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We found out at 14 1/2 weeks also because I was having bleeding and needed an ultrasound.  We did the same thing and opened the envelope when my DH came home from work.  It was reconfirmed at our big ultrasound and they were correct.  So, yes it is possible.
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  • I am a little sceptial, but she seemed SO confident. She says she never calls it unless she is positive. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be wrong, 20 weeks ultrasounds have been known to be inaccurate. I am mainly happy because everything looks normal and healthy, so far. That is all that matters to me.Smile
  • I had went in for bloodwork/ routine u/s at 14 weeks, and the tech told me since my baby had been moving around a lot she could tell right away also.. She said its not 100% but she was almost completely positive it was a boy.. I was so excited cause I have 2 step-daughters..
  • my sister was told at 13 weeks it was a girl....4 weeks later it was confirmed. GIRL!
  • Take it as a guess!

    We were told 'boy' at the NT scan but didn't buy blue until really later on, when we had confirmation... the tech said it could have gone either way... ?

    imageimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagejenniferb96:
    I would not trust a 14 week u/s!!  I would assume its a boy just because I think you can tell earlier

    Size doesn't matter that early:  https://baby2see.com/gender/external_genitals.html

    CafeMom Tickers
    CafeMom Tickers
  • with DS they told me I was having a boy at 15 weeks, and sure enough I had a boy.  Like pp's have said, I wouldn't go painting the room just yet, but it's good to have an idea!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • roxyuroxyu member
    My SIL found out this early and it was right, but that doesn't mean it is always right.  Boy and girl bits look alike that early.

    photo b56c04be-4eeb-442e-afb5-397708ea1118.jpg

  • imagemommyantheajane:
    I am a little sceptial, but she seemed SO confident. She says she never calls it unless she is positive. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be wrong, 20 weeks ultrasounds have been known to be inaccurate. I am mainly happy because everything looks normal and healthy, so far. That is all that matters to me.Smile

    Well said.  Glad to hear baby is healthy!!!

  • That is a fun way to find out ... you are better than me because I would have peeked already Wink 14 weeks is early though. The place I went to is for early sex determination as well as 3D/4D's later in pregnancy and she won't do it until 17 weeks because anything sooner than that is not 100%.
  • imagemrsekins:

    No but thank you for just answering my previous question.  I was told you can by 4 people who were told between 13 and 15 weeks, and these were confirmed as correct at the big u/s.

    Considering it's a 50/50 shot... not surprising.  Nor is it reason to believe such an early u/s prediction.

    So you are a trained Doctor or u/s tech?  Why don?t you research it a little online.  Depending on the equipment it can be determine at 12 weeks.  But then again you probably just want to be a *** soooo congrats you succeeded.

  • We found out at 12wks 6days only because we had CVS testing.  DNA doesn't lie so we were confident in that.
  • we went to a gender scan at a specialty place at 14 wks, very obviously a girl.....but it was super hi tech equip and I brought the scan pics to my MW and she confirmed girl.  Said she was surprised at such great pics at only 14 wks.  It can be done!
  • just because some people on here have had confirmation on early predictions at their 18 weeks scans DOES NOT mean you should trust them. sheesh, people. it's 50/50. of course there are going to be people it works for. they are in that first 50 percent. it's basic math!

    i know people who found out on delivery day their 18 week u/s was wrong. it's an educated guess, the info that guess is made on is better as time goes on. plain and simple.

  • imagemommyantheajane:
    I am a little sceptial, but she seemed SO confident. She says she never calls it unless she is positive. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be wrong, 20 weeks ultrasounds have been known to be inaccurate. I am mainly happy because everything looks normal and healthy, so far. That is all that matters to me.Smile

    Yes, 20 week ultrasounds can be wrong too. But the difference is that at 20 weeks the external genitalia is fully developed, where at 14-15 weeks, it is not. Boys and girls actually look very much the same at that stage.  

    I'm glad all is well and healthy with your baby though! Enjoy your dinner :)

  • afgafg member


    although I have to agree with the others that this is a little early to run out and buy gender specific items.

  • sounds like you guys are going to have a very nice night together just enjoy it and take it for what its worth :) 
  • Yup, we found out we were having a boy at 13w2d! People will tell you don't get your hopes up because it might not be accurate. But how can you not get excited! Give me a break! Big Smile
  • I'll be in Nashville tonight... can I come for dinner? Smile
  • I wouldnt purchase anything based on that.
  • My Friend and I both found out at 14 weeks there is an ultrasound place that does gender reveals starting at 14 weeks.  there parts develope at 12 weeks.  She has been right for her so far we will see next week if she was right for me.  Even when my doctor schedule my Big US she told me I am sure you will already know what you are having when you get here because everyone has been going to the early gender reveal so the doctor even told me about the place.


    The reason the doctors wait is becuase they are more concerned with measuring everything else and they have to do that around 18-20 weeks, they dont want to take the time to look at 14

  • We found out we are having a boy at 13 weeks 2 days.
  • I found out yesterday because we had to see the perinatologist for a fetal heart arrhythmia.  I asked the tech if it would be possible to take a look at the gender and she said she saw labia.  Sure enough, there were three equal lines and no 'turtle'  I went ahead and posted the bump badges because I'm totally THRILLED, but I'm not buying anything pink until our sceduled BIG u/s on May 27th.
  • It's totally possible, just not common. We found out at 15w2d and the doc said "200% chance" that it was a girl. Next u/s @ 20w confirmed.
    Dear Bump: You suck.
  • I found out it would be a girl at 13w 3d and i am now almost 23 weeks and still a girl. I didn't buy anything until the big ultrasound but my tech ended up being right.
  • We found out our gender really early on too! ?I was having bleeding and needed a few ultrasounds very early on. ?Everyone else was skeptical....but when we went for 20 week ultrasound...there was nothing to be skeptical about! ?We are def having a boy!!! ?(I am also a grad student at vandy.....graduate in august....right before due date)! ?:) ?


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  • sjpsjp member
    esp with boys it is possible to tell early--we found out with DS at 15 weeks--it was pretty obvious
    BFP#1 twins--m/c Baby B-- DC#1 DS 03/22/05 BFP#2 m/c 2006 BFP#3/DC#2 DD 10/22/09 BFP #4! EDD 9/15/12 at 9 dpo BabyFruit Ticker
  • Ok I don't think I would make any purchases on this Ultrasound. I had on at 17 weeks and I am still waiting for confirmation at my 21 week ultrasound. Good luck to you guys! Enjoy the dinner also.

  • I am new to posting on this board, but I am a lurker. I just wanted to say that we found out we are having a boy at 14 and a half weeks also. Let's just say it was VERY obvious. Still, our dr was a little bit skeptical that we found out so early. Went back for my 20 week ultrasound, and the tech confirmed it is "still" a boy!!! So yes, they can sometimes tell that early. It just depends on how clear of a look they get at that "area" and if the baby cooperates.
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