u/s tech or the doctor give an educated guess on the sex before the big u/s? A good friend of mine told me to ask the Doctor to take aguess tomorrow because she and 3 of her friends had the doctor guess around 15 weeks and the doctor was right. I told her "I can guess", its a boy! But truly is this possible?
Re: Did anyone have a
surely they can always give a guess. The doc looked at my NT scan and didn't see a penis, but said that didn't mean anything. Then at 15 weeks my OB looked and said he could guess, but was still unsure (which led me to start thinking girl) and then at almost 17weeks they showed us she was a girl.
I still have dreams that I'm going to go in tomorrow and my little Madison is going to have a penis........ that will be a shocker.
i can cosult my magic 8 ball and take a guess too. want that?
seriously, wait. why would you want a guess? why get your hopes up and then have them say something else in a few weeks? why????
Three of my friends who are pregnant right now were told boy at 15 weeks at u/s and all were confirmed at their "big" u/s.
Our tech and doc took a guess at our NT Scan and said boy based on what they (and we) could see on the 3d/4d machine they were using, but also said they were only 90% and to wait til the next u/s for confirmation. We'll confirm at 16 weeks.
I am waiting just curious. And from my post I would think you would have caught on. O'well
They have a 50/50 shot of being right lol