2nd Trimester

Does anyone want a boy?

It seems like everyone wants a little girl!
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Re: Does anyone want a boy?

  • I wanted a boy.  We are only planning one child and I really wanted a boy.  I know it's not PC but we were both OVER THE MOON when we found out it was a boy :).  So yay for boys (and girls too!) :).
  • I do I do!!!  And I cant wait to find out. 

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  • I was hoping for a boy... and am having one!
  • I wanted a little boy. I figured that if I had a little girl later on that way she would have a big brother. I had always wanted one. I am exstatic for my little boy

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  • We are since we already have a little girl.  But if this one is another girl it will be just fine with me.
  • ::raises hand excitedly::

    Me! Me!  And according to my u/s tech I am 98% likely to be having one!!

  • I'll take a boy or a girl...as long as their healthy! I don't have a preference as I eventually want one of each atleast.
  • I did. DH has always dreamed about coaching little league football and hanging out with his son and I wanted him to have that so bad. We will get another shot, though.
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  • I do!  I have many nephews and have always had a special place in my heart for boys :)

    We find out on Monday!

  • There are things I love about both genders, so at some point I want both.  So when I found out DC is a boy, I was (and still am) ecstatic.
  • I did for years! There are lots of girl in my family and so I always wanted a boy. But then DH's family only has boys and after my SILs all started having boys the thought of a girl started to get really appealing. I was gonna be happy either way, but it's definitely fun to be the one having a girl in DH's family. They are all shocked. Chances are #2 will be a boy. :)
  • Through the entire pregnancy (before I found out the sex) I just felt it was a boy.  I was so excited thinking of my first child as a boy, that hopefully he'd be a good big brother.  Teaching the other kids things, protecting them against bully kids...that sort of thing.  It's not that I never hope for a girl...that would be great...but if I had all boys, that would be so awesome.  I can actually totally see that happening for us.  :) 
  • We both wanted a boy. But now I feel like a girl is going be a great fit for our family and extended family. I just feel like you get what you "should" get, regardless of what you want.
  • ENevENev member

    I always wanted a boy first, definitely.

    I have a feeling I'm having a girl, though - and of course, I'm ecstatic about that, too. :) 

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  • Me me me! I always wanted a big brother so I want a boy first. We aren't finding out the sex of the baby and of course will be happy either way but I would prefer a boy first (and then a girl, another boy, and another girl...can I be that specific ;P ). Our only problem is we are having the hardest time finding a boys name we like! 
  • We really wanted a boy, and we're so excited to be having one!
  • This time I didn't care but with #1, I desperately wanted a boy!!
  • Honestly I wanted a little girl, but had the yes, very unscientific feeling this LO is a boy, and at big u/s was confirmation of peen present.  I'm excited for a little boy!
  • i do i do i do!!!!!!

    i dont care what i have, but a boy would be even better. i just get scared of how early these little girls develope these days (not that boys dont)...


  • Yes, I lean towards boy.  In mine and DH's family, girls dominate (in fact in his family there are no boys) so it would be nice.  We also have the pressure of passing on his family name as his brother is done having kids.  Of course little girls are adorable and sweet too!
  • I do Smile  It's our first so I just imagine having the big brother but if it's a girl I will be happy too!!!
  • uh oh. it's only a matter of time before a certain someone shows up and gives her two cents on why y'all are bad mommies for prefering one sex over the other.

    i hope i go to lunch before she shows.

    (psst... i kinda wanted a boy to start, but a girl makes me happy too!)

  • I did, and still do!

    But I am very excited that we are having a girl.

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  • i have always wanted my first child to be a boy and thats exactly what im getting!!!!i was so effing happy when the tech said boy i started crying and dh gave me a big kiss right thereme = happy happy happy?
  • ah, it makes me happy to see some love for the little boys. I was beginning to feel bad for them! 

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  • I do! Honestly I'll be happy either way, but there are so many little girls in my family that a baby boy would be awesome!
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  • we really wanted a boy. we're thrilled with our little girl- but my fingers are crossed for a boy next time.
  • I wanted a boy, and that's what we're having.  I'm SO EXCITED!!!!
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  • I want a boy!!!! DH wants a girl. Is there a way I can have both. Prob not since there is only one baby in there. But I will take whatever I get.  
  • I want a boy really, really badly. 
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  • I want the first one to be a boy, too. I am a bit of tomboy and I just think it would be fun to go out and play in the muck (not that a girl couldn't do that)

    DH wants a girl because of some theory that he has about that a girl would more responsible and would set a good example.

    We're not finding out and we will both be very happy either way.

  • I really want a boy!  We do not know what we are having yet, still have 2 weeks until we find out.  I do want 3 kids--this is our first.  I always wanted the oldest to be a boy, if not all of them.  So we will see.  Of course I will be happy with a happy healthy baby!
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  • We both did, but I am just psyched that our little one is perfectly healthy so far - and really, what more could you ask for? BUT, we had sort of wanted a boy first girl second.
  • I really wanted (and are getting one this time) a boy. We have a 14 month old DD and wanted to "even it out" with a boy this time.
  • I did, and I'm getting one!

    Both of the grandmothers wanted a girl though, and yes, it does seem like more people want girls.

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  • I keep going back and forth.. of course I'll be happy either way! But I think part of me wants a boy more then a girl. Since I already have a girl, I think it would be great to also have a boy. And I think we'll be more likely to try for #3 if we have a boy... I don't know if I'd want to "risk" having 3 girls! LOL ;)
    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
  • I do, but would have no problem with another girl!
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  • We were really hoping for a boy but I'm happy it's a girl too as long as she's healthy.

    DP had the saddest look on his face when he found out... it was like his puppy just died or something. I felt so bad for him. He said "Well, I guess I'm the only one to blame, it was my sperm!"

    He's getting used to the idea of the little girl though and it's the first female baby in his family in like 5 generations so everyone else is excited :)

  • ctanactana member

    I always wanted a boy first.  I think this goes back to growing up the eldest of two girls.  I always wanted a big brother so the thought of a boy first was just so appealing to me.  Prior to finding out the sex of LO, I really was fine with either sex as long as the baby was healthy.  My husband felt the same way.  But when I was told 'boy' by the nurse after our CVS results came back, I was thrilled!



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  • i want a boy...i have a huge feeling it is a boy, too, but we'll see on monday. if it's a girl, we'll still be happy, but i think we both have a slight preference for a boy.
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