A friend of a friend has been in the hospital since Thursday because her blood pressure got really high. She's around 35 weeks and they decided to induce her. Apparently they tried twice and then stopped it because it wasn't working, so now she's just waiting in the hospital, letting her baby bake a little longer before they get him out.
My friend and I are puzzled about the fact that they induced her and then stopped. I feel so bad for her - she's stuck in a hospital just waiting. Hopefully she'll have her little boy soon!
Re: Induced and then stopped...?
Maybe her blood pressure came down so they were able to back off and give baby more time to bake.
since she is only 35 weeks her body is not really ready for labour, thats why its not respsonding to the medications. If her blood pessure is under control they may have decided to give her & baby a little more time to get ready. She probably has to sttay in the hospital to ensure her blood pressure stays under control.
At our hosptial we do not start & then stop an induction very often. Usually its only if baby is doing well but mom is not responding in which case sometimes they will take a break (usually over night) and then try again. This obviuosly is in hopes of the body responding better, and avoiding a c-section. Hopefully it all works out for her! Maybe her body knows that baby needs a bit more time!