2nd Trimester

Double Jogging Stroller Suggestions??

So we are having another little boy who will bless us with his presence around the end of July first of August. Our son now will only be two as of July 21. So we are having to look for double strollers. I don't like the front to back ones. I have looked at several and know people that have them and I personally don't like them. I want to get a side by side double jogging stroller. It doesn't have to be all high tech for actually jogging on rough terrian and stuff. I just like the design and the mobility of them. I have found one that target offers online for 189.99 by babytrend. Any other suggestions?

Re: Double Jogging Stroller Suggestions??

  • I have some friends that have the double jogger by BabyTrends. Its the orange one. Check out albeebaby.com, they usually have great prices and free shipping.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • And I meant to say they love the stroller and did a lot of research and tried other ones too.
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  • Thank you! I know someone who has the orange one from babies r us. The one from target is the same one just in grey. I like the color ALOT better. Lol. I am originally from South Carolina and a huge Carolina Gamecocks fan and our rivial is Clemson and they are orange and purple.. LOL so I am a little bias against orange.. lol but thanks! The one from target is exactly the same and so far I have read great reviews on it
  • My friend has the double BOB and my sister has the single.  One thing they dont love about them is they dont sit up very far.  My friend has a three year old and almost 2 year old.  For the three year old to sit up straight he has to pull himself up and then sit without back support.  The seats in them are very reclined.  My sister never uses hers anymore because my 2 year old niece does not like to sit back that far because she cant see very much. 

    My sister is looking at the McClaren (sp?) for her double stroller option since she has a new baby due in June.

  • We had a baby trend before and hated it, the wheels didn't swivel so it was so hard to turn in it!  we have the bob revolution double and love it!! you can clip an infant seat on one side if you want too, right now my 3 yr old and 16 mo old use it and love it, the older one always wants to go for stroller rides :)  good luck, they are more$$ but way way worth it
  • BOB, BOB, BOB!  The are the best!  A bit more money then some of the others but worth their weight in gold.
  • rsd12rsd12 member

    I love my babytrend expedition double jogging stroller in orange from Babies R Us.  It is about a year and a half now & I use it all the time in the good weather.  It has both the swivel & wheel you can lock in place.  The only problem is that it does not fit a car seat & you can't buy an add on.. that is what is so great about the BOB.  But, I started using mine when the baby was 3 months.. just leaned him back & put in a head support. 

    I use it for running, walking & going to the beach.  It really is tough to bring into some stores as the door way & aisle can be too narrow.

    We got it when our second was born, as our first was just about 2 years.  I still plan to use it when our third comes, hoping our first can be on a bike so I can still go running!


    Boy 1 2/06 - Boy 2 12/07 - Boy 3 9/09
  • Definitely the BOB.  They aren't cheap but they are awesome.  I broke down and bought the double and it's the best thing ever!

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