As my coworkers figure out I'm pregnant . . . .
I was just told that I'd better take it easy! Keep my house cold! Don't lift heavy things! Stay away from sick people!
Yesterday my coworker told me that I needed to make sure I keep food in my stomach so I don't get sick (I'm 15 weeks along; I've figured out how best to keep myself from getting sick at this point!)
They mean well and I haven't even gotten any REALLY irritating comments and I am already annoyed. This does not bode well.
Re: Lord this is going to be a long summer
Oh God. How old are they?
Also everyone expects me to be so excited and happy. I miscarried in JANUARY, and got pregnant again in January. Of course I'm excited and happy, but that's tempered by a lot of worry. Nobody wants to hear that, though. I'd rather not talk about it, but of course every new person who notices my buddha belly wants to talk about my pregnancy for ten minutes.
Yup, I'm sitting here with my heater on. I think I'll be fine. It's sub-arctic in this office, I have AC in my car and house, and there are LOTS of nice places that are happy to sell ice cream to the pregnant lady.
I love ice cream. The university dairy store is across the street from my office. They've been known to give me free scoops.
FREE ICE CREAM! They are awesome.