2nd Trimester

When is your little guy/gal

doing the most kicking, dancing etc?  I seem to get the most after dinner. 
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Re: When is your little guy/gal

  • definitely evening and 3:30 am.... although lately its been ALL day!
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  • I usually feel her the most in the early evening - somewhere between 6-8pm.
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  • She's the most active between 9pm and 11pm.

  • Yesterday night (around 9) I felt my first distict kicks.  I usually would feel the squirmy feeling around bedtime.
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  • He has been pretty active lately, living up to that 24-28 weeks thing.

    But he is most active at night, right when I lie down in bed. It's so cool, we finally started seeing it from the outside! 

    ETA: I should have said I go to bed around 10 p.m., so that is when he's most active.

  • constantly.
  • Usually after dinner (6ish), and when I am watching tv in bed (8/9ish).

    Although today he is moving around and kicking a lot while I'm working. Which I don't mind too much Big Smile

  • In the AM after breakfast and in the PM right before and after dinner. I think she gets excited about eating...just like her Mama!
  • right now it seems every night as I am getting ready to go to bed. Sometimes earlier between 7:30 pm and quarter to 8.
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  • Mostly in the evenings, after dinner or dessert (if we go to Cold Stone she is usually very active!).

    She is active at many intervals in a typical day. I am feeling her right now, at 11:25 am. And if by some chance I am awake around 3 am, she is usually very active!

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  • Usually at night, the second my head hits the pillow.. I have heard babies are most active when YOU are perfectly still.  When you walk/move around, it kind rocks them to sleep.  So she is definitely more active (at least enough for me to notice it more) when I am in bed.

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  • afgafg member
    early morning, late at night, and mid afternoon.
  • Mine starts up around 8 PM until I go to sleep around 11 PM. He is veryyy active.
  • First thing starting around 4am, 9am, 1pm then again at 8 or 9 pm for around about a hour each time he is active....
  • all the time...but since there are 2 in there...i bet when one stops the other one starts!
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  • I feel the baby all day but especially in the evening. 7pm-9pm seems to be a busy time for him/her!
  • around 10:30 AM and 7:00 PM.  Generally about 30 minutes - hour or so after I eat :)
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  • 10 minutes after the first bite of a meal... and since I eat all the time, he moves all the time! :)

    and I must add, when I pee. he moves after, probably because he's happy for a little more room.

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  • My little girl tends to like breakfast time - about the first hour I'm in the office! She also tends to kick like crazy after lunch, too.
  • Random throughout the day, but she kicks it into high gear from about 6-9 pm. I layed a book on my belly last night and it literally jumped all over the place from her kicking & moving. So crazy to watch!!
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  • He is active all day long, but is very active around lunch time and then again between 8-10 PM.
  • imageMamaTully:
    In the AM after breakfast and in the PM right before and after dinner. I think she gets excited about eating...just like her Mama!

    My LO too.  She seems to be a foodie already.


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