2nd Trimester

:sigh: DH wants to cancel vacation plans due to SWINE FLU

Do you really think that's necessary?!  We've had this weekend in Asheville planned forever.  My aunt, grandma & mom are all driving down from MI to meet us there for the weekend and there's been ONE confirmed case of Swine Flu in Asheville.  Now, he's talking cancellation.  I don't know if that is truly necessary but he's scaring me, lol.
My best friend, my husband, my everything
Matthew Kevin
7/31/83-7/20/11 image
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three

Re: :sigh: DH wants to cancel vacation plans due to SWINE FLU

  • i think that's taking it too far. if you were going to cancun, i'd say cancel. but this? there are cases everywhere. as long as you are smart and safe, you are fine.
  • While I wouldn't travel to Mexico right now or the near future...I wouldn't cancel a trip inside of the US.  Are you driving?  I especially wouldn't cancel then. 

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  • uff, I love Asheville.  I'd be crying right now if dh cancelled.  God, I love that place.  Were you going to visit the Biltmore castle?  I think your DH is just being cautious but some people are taking it way too out of proportion.  I hope he doesn't cancel !
  • If you were going to Mexico I would, other than that you wouldn't be able to keep me from a vacation. One of my really good friends is getting married Saturday and she is going to Mexicon on her honeymoon for 16 days! They can not get a refund or anything, they are freaking out!
  • I think in the next few weeks there will be confirmed cases in all states.  Just wash your hands all the time and don't go out in a crowded bus with sick people in it. 
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  • i dont think it's necessary. It's not like your going to mexico and besides, there is only one case! it seems like there is one case everywhere. i would just be careful.
  • Here's a NY Times article I read this morning about it: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/30/health/30flu.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss&src=ig

    As for if he is overreacting ... sure, but I can understand why he's concerned. I mean, yes, one confirmed case in Asheville (which is a lovely city, btw!), but you don't know who that person is and if he/she came into contact with family members who may work in shops there .... who knows? I can, in my paranoia, see where his thoughts are going. =)

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  • kiki4kiki4 member

    Really, he wants to cancel a trip to Asheville??  If you were going somewhere in Mexico, I could understand, but Asheville?  I think he's overreacting just a bit.  As long as you take the normal precautions - wash your hands, etc. - I think you will be fine!

    As a side note, boy do I miss N.C.!!  I graduated from Appalachain State, and lived in Havelock for about 8 years (all though I do NOT miss Havelock!).

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  • That's silly...you guys would be just as likely or unlikely to catch the swine flu in Greenville as you would be in Asheville.  It's not like you are going to Mexico!  Just use common sense and keep your hands washed.  Have a fun trip!

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  • I am not even cancelling my trip to Mexico.  That is silly.


    Here is a good link for him to read:  https://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/04/28/regular.flu/index.html

  • imagewordtoyourmother:
    uff, I love Asheville.  I'd be crying right now if dh cancelled.  God, I love that place.  Were you going to visit the Biltmore castle?  I think your DH is just being cautious but some people are taking it way too out of proportion.  I hope he doesn't cancel !

    I'm excited to hear that you love it!  Yes, we are going to spend Saturday at Biltmore Estates.  He won't cancel if I don't want to... but, like I said, he's scaring me.  All of your input helps so thanks! lol

    My best friend, my husband, my everything
    Matthew Kevin
    7/31/83-7/20/11 image
    Met 1/8/00
    Engaged 4/21/06
    Married 9/29/07
    Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
    Day Three
  • Cancun yes, Ashville no. Go enjoy your vaca!


  • nah, don't cancel!
  • Honestly - the regular flu kills more people per year than swine flu.

    Should you avoid Mexico? Yeah probably - but I think the vast majority of us will be more than ok. 

  • afgafg member
    I don't think cancelling a trip to Ashville is necessary, I mean that is not far away from where you already are.
  • I'm not to sure how to take this whole pig flu outbreak.  Is it something to get really worried about???  Is the media hyping it more than it should be? I dunno.  I got a flu shot back in Dec. so that's what I'm going on, even though I heard that that shot won't save you from this flu strain.  Getting the flu while pregnant is a pretty big concern...normally I wouldn't be interested in this story so I've been washing my hands more and using the hand sanitizer .

    This morning on our local news I found out they are closing two schools within 50 miles of my house for a whole week because there are some "questionable" symptoms amongst a couple students.  They're sending in guys in hazmat looking suits to sterilize all classrooms that the students used.

    I work in a pretty large office and when any cold or plague of the week comes through, lots of people start dropping like flies around here.  So I have a little concern.  I would go on your trip, just be aware of anyone who might look or feel sick and wash your hands a lot.

  • I would still go.  No need to cancel.
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