So DH's cousin is getting married in two weeks in San Diego. A bunch of her family is coming in from Mexico for the wedding. I will not be attending the wedding because my MD did not let me which I was fine with. I myself dont like hot weather to begin with but anyway now with all this Flu crap going on I DO NOT want him to go. I know how he is and he does not always wash his hands and he is not a germ freak like I am.I work in a hospital so I know all the kinds of germs that are out there. What if god forbid he catches something and brings it home and something happens to the baby? He doesnt understand the whole situation and he says by then everything will be controled and it will have gone away. Am I overreacting in this situtation? Should I wait a little longer to see what happens? But at the moment I am worried sick abouth all this. I mean hello my child's life is at risk in my opinion....and he just does not understand!
Re: Am I overreacting?
I think this swine flu stuff has been blown way out of proportion. That said, if a bunch of people are coming from Mexico, I wouldn't want my husband going either. I don't think you're overreacting.
I agree with pp that the media is creating a frenzy about the swine flu and blowing it way out of proportion.
But... I can't pretend I would want my husband going. I think you have a right to be concerned.
Sounds like something I would do..
WAIT! Is this the pregnancy hormones everyone keeps telling me about, showing in you too?
Haha, I'm so bad I don't even realize it. Normally I would say you are right and have a reason to be upset towards him not understanding, but with pregnancy toes, I must say you might be over-reacting.
I wouldn't want him going either. Lol
Damn hormones! Normally I would say go have fun! I have the whole bed to myself for three days! lol
BeeLove: This is has nothing to do with what we are talking about but I must say that you look FABULOUS in your siggy pic! I am quite envious of you rockin that bikini!