2nd Trimester

Is this the norm? (Dr's office question, long, please help)

The more I think about this, the more I'm just feeling kinda......confused? Bothered? I don't know, give me some opinions here please girls!


March 16, 2009       First "big u/s" @ (supposedly) 18 weeks.

March 26, 2009       Normally scheduled Dr's appointment (approx: 20 weeks) .  Everything is totally normal according to Doc.

Since we couldn't find out baby's gender @ u/s,  I asked about another one. I was told that it wasn't medically necessary, so no. Not unless something came up in the future.

April 28, 2009        Normally scheduled Dr's appointment - I get there and they're planning on giving me a glucose test. I ask why, since I'm 24 weeks. They inform me that I'm NOT 24 weeks, I'm almost 27. Assistant tells me, according to their records, my due date is now July 30.  This sounds fine with me, it was more what I had thought to begin with.

Thing is, when I ask them when that changed, they said it was because of 18 wk ultrasound. Which was 6 weeks and 2 appointments ago!

I immediately asked why I wasn't told my due date had changed at my previous appointment?

Apparently, 10 days after the ultrasound, they didn't have / didn't look at my results. So they hadn't changed it at my last appointment because they didn't have it.

Oh, and by the way, Doc tells me my placenta was low at 18 weeks (once again, 6 weeks ago) and that they will be scheduling me for another u/s to check it!

This wouldn't really bother me, except I was told everything was fine at previous appointment, 10 days after the ultrasound. And apparently it wasn't, which really freaks me out.

The good news is, because Dr. had told me no for another u/s @ 20 week appt. I'd scheduled one on my own at the local college for yesterday afternoon, and they said my placenta looks fine now.  So now I don't have to spend time worrying about that, but......

Would anyone else be REALLY bothered by this whole situation?

Re: Is this the norm? (Dr's office question, long, please help)

  • afgafg member
    Umm, yeah, I would be.  My Ob reviewed my results and met with me right after my big u/s.  I wouldn't mind going back to see her, but I'd be concerned that your doctor didn't review your file before you met with him/her and I'd be concerned that they had pretty much lied and said that everything was fine when really they had no clue.
  • I'd be bothered that they didn't have their sh*t together enough to call you after they found out or tell you at the following appointment. There is no excuse for letting multiple appointments go by without informing you of these types of things.


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  • I have had a simular experience....

    Mine were with the first round of test.  They did the normal test as well as a 24 hr urine and glucose test at my first visit.  I was a nervous wreck waiting for the results.  Finally ... the following week I called.  The doc got on the phone and said everything came back normal.  WooHoo!  I felt like I could breath.  Went in a few weeks later for my normal visit and the other doctor in the practice comes in the room "has anyone reviewed your test results with you"  I told him yes, I called and was told everything was normal.  He said nope, you had an abnormal pap I had pre-cancerous cells and they would have to do more test...I was FLOORED!  I could not even speak...All I heard was cancer and could not hear anything else.  I had to have my cervix reviewed under a microscope..which honestly was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. 

    I was so angry...I was expecting to come in, keep my clothes on, hear the heartbeat and go about my day.  I ended up being there for 2 hours!

  • That would be very infuriating.  I wish it was logical to call them up and complain, but realistically that won't accomplish anything.  I would bring up this issue with them next time you talk with them to emphasize that accuracy and sharing important knowledge with you will be required going forward or you will be switching to a different doctor/facility.
  • Um yeah. I would be hot. Something kind of similar happend to. So I changed Doctors and I love my new one..... B/c if the Doctor can't inform me on whats going on at the right time you think I will have conifence in that doctor to cut me open. Um No
  • That's really unprofessional, I'd be pissed.
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