Things that came out of DH's mouth during the big US yesterday:
"I'm just here to find out if it's mine!" - when asked if he wanted to know the sex.
"F you too fetus!" - when the baby was obviously flicking us off.
"Can they do plastic surgery on those ears?"
"Can you lie on the report about the due date so I can go out of town to the DMB concert?"
Good thing he thinks he's funny!
Re: I think the Ultrasound Tech might call DCFS on us!
My husband makes the same kind of inappropriate jokes when he is uncomfortable.
It is kinda funny...don't worry, I'm sure they have heard stuff like that before.
HAHA! This sounds like something my DH would say. He was so nervous in the ultrasound room though that he could barely move. He often jokes that if it comes out and doesn't look like him than he's going to go find Gartrell Johnson (a football player) becuase he thinks since I'm in love with him that I secretly had an affair with him.
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
Oh that's just how we are, you'd have to know us. He knows it doesn't offend me.
Lol - us too! My mom and DH both came to the u/s because I want them both in delivery. My mom said "Well, if it's a boy, we won't see his penis... because well you know, I'm sure DH has a little penis" followed by "If he has his father's ears we are gonna need to tape them back now"
Sidenote: This was all said in good spirits and my husband was attacking her back. Before anyone says that my mother is a biitch
Ha ha! That is so funny! Sounds like they have a good relationship!
At least your men participate, i.e. joke around.
Sometimes I wonder if my DH even gives a damn. He's not even interested in feeling the baby kick. He'll put his hand there for like, 2 seconds and then pull away saying "I don't feel anything" and resume his stupid a$$ video games.
Doesn't seem interested in planning a babymoon, either. He works in the hotel industry so he could get a free room like *snaps finger* THAT. And I asked him to book something for us in May. But. Nothing.
Oh, and then there was the time where he called me a b!tch a couple of weeks ago.
I was hoping this all wouldn't lead to the "D" word, but I've pretty much had it.
Sorry... I just totally spoiled this post.
My DH made almost the same comments! Both times we had an ultrasound the poor techs were trying SO HARD not to laugh and encourage him!
I figure I don't care what he says really, cause he means it all in a funny but nice way. He isn't insulting to me . . . just a smarta!!.
Lifes too short to be overly sensitive!
Gotta love it! I would be laughing my butt off
My first ultrasound with dh there was transvaginal. When he saw it he said something like..... wow Im jealous look at the size of that. You are ruining her for me.
Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
Married my love 4/22/2006
DD born 10/12/2009
DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
Baby 3 due 2/13/2015