
Inconsolable crying - what could it be?

Andersen was restless most of the night and barely slept.  He just seemed generally uncomfortable.  He fussed quite a bit.  Around 3:30am, he started crying inconsolably and wouldn't calm down for about an hour.  He fell asleep, but fussed, arched, writhed and grunted in the meantime.

He has a lowgrade temp (99.2).

Thoughts?  Ear infection?  I'd think it would be too early for teeth...

I'm going to call the pedi but they don't open for another hour.

Re: Inconsolable crying - what could it be?

  • "He fell asleep, but fussed, arched, writhed and grunted in the meantime."

     Maybe a tummyache or gas? 

    Liam is 5!
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  • It sounds like a possible stomach ache or gas. If it wasn't for the arching or grunting, I would have guessed earache.

    I hope he's better today!

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
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  • I was also going to guess gas since I'm pretty sure you've said he's on reflux meds, so that shouldn't be it.

    But, sidenote, Max is teething already...

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  • I'd chalk it up to gas if it wasn't for the fever.  I just took his temp again and it's 100.1.  I know it's not high, but it makes me think more than gas.  Also, he's gassy a LOT and while he may grunt or squirm when it makes him uncomfortable, he's never screamed his head off before.  Even before we knew he had MSPI or at times when he's obviously uncomfortable because I've eaten something I didn't know had soy/dairy, he's never cried so hard. 
  • Poor guy!  I remember Rory having similar problems, and looking back, I really wonder if it was teeth.  They say that it is much more painful when they are forming/developing that when they actually break through, so it can happen way before that point.

    Hope he has a better day today!

  • sounds like gas/stomach problems....

    J's first tooth came out at 5 months exactly.... my friend's daughter got her tooth at 4 months... 

  • Actually sounds like reflux issues to me. DS gets like that when I miss a dose of his Zantac or when his dosage needs to be upped. Could that be?
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