If one more person tells me how big I am for 25 wks I think I might scream! I just got an email from an old friends mom who saw a pic of me and she said "you are big for 25weeks are you having twins???? congrs. on the new member...." I still don't understand why people think that its okay to say things like that, especially since I haven't seen the woman since about 6th grade!
Re: GRRR....How would you respond to this email???
I wouldn't even bother responding to it.
I just think those comments are out of line.
I wouldn't bother. As brutal and out of line it is to say that to anyone, it's not worth getting worked up about.
I think we are all having to fight the urge to throat punch someone at any given time.
I was thinking the same thing, you look adorable! You just have to let the comments roll off your back...I think people just love to talk to or about pregnant people. I think the intent behind their comments is sincere.
I think big, especially for older women = healthy. I try and look at it as a different culture but it sucks because you want to throat punch people sometimes.
My MIL is convinced that, the sicker I am w/ m/s, the healthier the baby is going to be. What can you do?
I agree with taelir... no response is really needed.
I just don't understand what people think happens to us when we're pregnant. Especially women. Did they forget all about this pregnancy stuff, or are they just prone to be obnoxious?
people are rude and stupid. seriously
FWIW you are not that big for 25 weeks (I am bigger and 2 weeks behind you). I get it all the time too. My mother is the worst, I don't think they understand it can actually be offensive. Just ignore. I think you look great, very cute bump!
I experienced pretty much the same thing earlier this week and it really upset me. Someone I haven't spoken to in 12 years sent me a FB message saying, "You look large already!!!!" Thanks. I already am self-conscious about this. Why the H must you feel the need to point it out? This woman just also had a baby, so you'd think she'd know better. She also told me to continue to eat the banana splits and not worry what anyone says. I really wasn't worried until she messaged me. This was yesterday and it still bothers me.
I just wrote back that I am not concerned about my weight. I was nice, but I kept it short.
The other week I had an ex email me that he was looking at my wedding pics on My Space and thought I looked too thin. WTH? I just can't win and when will people learn to NEVER comment on someone's weight?
If most people thought they were coming off rude and were hurting your feelings they probably wouldn't say it.
I would joke back with a response of the like of "Gee thanks. I'm developing a complex over it, please don't remind me of how huge I'm getting".
Let's see I guess its been 14 years since I have seen or talked to her. What really gets me is her daughter is pregnant with number 3, and with all of her pregnancies she has gained a lot (an unhealthy amount) of weight. But I would NEVER say anything to her or her daughter.
Thanks to all of you! You made me feel better and less self conscious!