Marley and Me. I seriously cried the whole last chapter or 2. I was on the beach so I just put my big sunglasses on and bawled. It was the best book I've ever read.
In A LONG WAY GONE, Beah, now twenty-six years old, tells a riveting story. At the age of twelve, he fled attacking rebels and wandered a land rendered unrecognizable by violence. By thirteen, he?d been picked up by the government army, and Beah, at heart a gentle boy, found that he was capable of truly terrible acts. Eventually released by the army and sent to a UNICEF rehabilitation center, he struggled to regain his humanity and to reenter the world of civilians, who viewed him with fear and suspicion. This is, at last, a story of redemption and hope.
Into the Wild. A true story about a man who leaves his family and explores the US/Alaska until his untimely death. There is a movie based on the same name. As a mother I was heartbroken that he cut his family off- no warning- and never reconnected with them before his death. However, looking back on the person I used to be before DD, I could completely relate to his itch to explore and be part of the land. It was a very compelling book....okay- I just got way too excited about a book.
I'm always up for a Dean Koontz book, they're like candy to me. I'm reading Your Heart Belongs to Me by him right now. Next up is my CSI book that MIL got for me today. CSI: Mortal Wounds by Max Allan Collins. It's basically 3 episodes in one large book- separate stories than the episodes.
im just finishing up Tori Spelling's "Mommywood"...i dont know y and i can't help but love the Spelling's...her mom can be a *** tho lol....but pretty much any Jodi Picoult book is good.
Outlander. We read it for book club through my moms group and every single member loved it!
CP 3/07 BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09. TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen. BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy. BFP 11/14
Murder/Mystery/Action/Adventure - Anything by Nevada Barr w/ her character Anna Pidgeon. She is awesome. I love the way that character thinks. Her internal dialogue is so funny and it much like mine. I just finished Winter Study, Superior Murder and Borderline (in about 2 weeks).
I must HIGHLY recommend "Escape". It is a true story of a woman raised in a polygamist sect gone very very bad. She is an amazing woman and it should be required reading for every female in a America.
Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all.
If you liked that than you should read "Under the Banner of Heaven" it is AMAZING. I also loved "Into Thin Air" which is the book that launched Krackhaur's (sp?) career!
Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all.
Juvenile checking in... I teach so there is my excuse, I try to stay up on what my kids read.
Twilight...Pendragon...Lightening Thief
Adult Lit
The Road by Cormac McCarthy and World War Z (freaky!!!)
I loved The Lightening Thief, and the rest of the Percy Jackson Series. I am not a teacher or a teen so I have no excuse, but I love adventure/fantasy books. I am actually in the process of re-reading the series to prepare for the newest one that is coming out May 5 (I know, I am a nerd).
Last book I read was Inkdeath (by far the best of the series) and I couldn't put it down. I loved it!
Re: Recommend the last "good" book you read....
Water For Elephants?
Oh, and Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult was really good, too. Read that one while I was bed ridden in 1st tri.
The O'Baby Blog
Oooh I got this as a gift but have not read it yet :runs to look through book shelf:
A synopsis: in case anyone is interested.
In A LONG WAY GONE, Beah, now twenty-six years old, tells a riveting story. At the age of twelve, he fled attacking rebels and wandered a land rendered unrecognizable by violence. By thirteen, he?d been picked up by the government army, and Beah, at heart a gentle boy, found that he was capable of truly terrible acts. Eventually released by the army and sent to a UNICEF rehabilitation center, he struggled to regain his humanity and to reenter the world of civilians, who viewed him with fear and suspicion. This is, at last, a story of redemption and hope.
I heard the newest Jodi Piccoult book is good, but was told NOT to read it while pregnant...
Into the Wild. A true story about a man who leaves his family and explores the US/Alaska until his untimely death. There is a movie based on the same name. As a mother I was heartbroken that he cut his family off- no warning- and never reconnected with them before his death. However, looking back on the person I used to be before DD, I could completely relate to his itch to explore and be part of the land. It was a very compelling book....okay- I just got way too excited about a book.
i was just going to say Water for Elephants. i LOVED it!
I believe it was one of Emily Giffin's books- She has the "Something borrowed" "Something Blue" and "Baby Proof" books. I've read them all.
I am also a fan of Candice Bushnell and Lauren Weisberger, I have read most of theirs as well.
Yea i'm not really an intellectual reader
reading is for enjoyment. I read Something Borrowed and Something Blue and loved them both. The book I chose always depends on my mood. : )
I cried my eyes reading this one!!
Just googled this- sounds intriguing.
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. A fantastic read, very touching story.
City of Glass the 3rd in the Mortal Instruments series - better than twilight teen fantasy.
Me too!! And I was on the train when I got to the sad part, I couldn't hold back the tears. People were staring at me like I was crazy.
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Eat Pray Love
Three Cups of Tea
Read both of these.
Loved Three Cups of Tea. Could have done without Eat, Pray, Love.
I just read The Glass Castle and The Zookeepers Wife while in FL and enjoyed them both.
I LOVED The Glass Castle.
I'm reading Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams right now. Read the Bell Jar in H.S. and have loved it ever since
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14
My Pregnancy(ies) Blog
Juvenile checking in... I teach so there is my excuse, I try to stay up on what my kids read.
Twilight...Pendragon...Lightening Thief
Adult Lit
The Road by Cormac McCarthy and World War Z (freaky!!!)
Murder/Mystery/Action/Adventure - Anything by Nevada Barr w/ her character Anna Pidgeon. She is awesome. I love the way that character thinks. Her internal dialogue is so funny and it much like mine. I just finished Winter Study, Superior Murder and Borderline (in about 2 weeks).
I must HIGHLY recommend "Escape". It is a true story of a woman raised in a polygamist sect gone very very bad. She is an amazing woman and it should be required reading for every female in a America.
I loved The Lightening Thief, and the rest of the Percy Jackson Series. I am not a teacher or a teen so I have no excuse, but I love adventure/fantasy books. I am actually in the process of re-reading the series to prepare for the newest one that is coming out May 5 (I know, I am a nerd).
Last book I read was Inkdeath (by far the best of the series) and I couldn't put it down. I loved it!
I've loved all of Jon Krakauer's books. I also read The Time Traveler's Wife and LOVED LOVED it!!
I also enjoyed the Twilight series and am now reading the Sookie Stackhouse Vampire books by Charlaine Harris, they're my guilty pleasure.
*photo removed*