I also posted this on GP, but I want as many prayers as possible to go out to my friend new little man.
Baby Chris is doing pretty good. He came out screaming and kicking at 2lbs 10oz. He scored a 9 on his apgar and is surprisingly active. He is on a machine to strengthen his lungs, but as of right now he is breathing on his own.
Please keep him and my friend in your thoughts and prayers as I know they will both have a long road ahead of them.
Re: My friend had her baby at 27 weeks.
A few years ago she was hit by a drunk driver and was in the hospital for a year. They weren't even sure she would be able to get pregnant. She has been in the hospital for pre-term labor for the last week.
Thats a really good apgar for one that small!
I'll add them to my prayer list, and mention them in class tomorrow! Keep us updated!
My prayers are with them!! I also went in to preterm labor with DS at 27 weeks so I can understand how nerve recking this can be. I am keeping both of them in my prayers and I am sure everything will work out fine!!
My friend had hers at 28 weeks about a month ago and he'll be coming home in a week!!! Technology is AMAZING!!!!
I'll be praying for your friend!