So there is this person who is PG, due shortly before me, and this was our conversation today:
Her: So how much weight have you gained?
Me: Umm.. like.. 15 pounds I think..
Her: (with wide eyes) Oh ok, well now I don't feel so bad. (And then she walked away)
WTF? (A) It's rude to ask a person how much weight they've gained even if you are also PG (B) You are now obligated to tell ME how much weight YOU'VE gained since you had the balls to ask me... (I think I kind of had a free pass to reciprocate the ? to her but I just can't bring myself to ask anyone that).
She was basically saying I gained more than her. She continually says things to me like "You look tired" or "You look uncomfortable". She's very negative to me about my pregnancy and it's getting on my nerves.
Re: This annoyed me.. rude thing to say..
Same. She needs to be taken down a peg.
Ugh what a lamewad. She probably wants to to ask so she can say she's hasn't gained anything. You should've said " Really? Well looking at you makes ME not feel as bad"
Hm. Generally if I think a question is rude, I won't answer it because I'm sure the reaction will just annoy me. So if someone asks me about my weight, and I don't want to talk about it, I say something like "oh, my doctor is happy with my weight" or "I'm happy with my weight gain" or "oh, I haven't been keeping track". Personally I avoid answering people who cross examine me about baby names as well because we're choosing not to tell (I do mention that).
I guess part of me thinks maybe you shouldn't have been offended at her reaction if you were willing to tell her how much you had gained.
And I think 15lbs is just peachy anyway, so forget about her and her silliness.