2nd Trimester


Thanks for the info on GD!  This was not on my radar at all since I did not have any problems with my DS. 

The reason I asked about the weight gain (20lbs so far) causing the GD is because my Dr. said that it is possibly a cause (specifically I asked her if she thought the GD might have caused my weight gain and she said that actually the weight gain probably caused the GD).  I was surprised to hear that and so I want to get some others experience.  I was over weight (about a size 12 - 14) before I got pg and I now know that that can be a risk factor. 

I am just trying to figure out if this is my fault and trying not to feel horrible and selfish for eating what I want.  I really felt that way after my Dr. appointment today and it is hard to not feel that way even though I have read information that says it has nothing to do with weight.

Anyway, thanks again for the info!

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Re: Jenerally

  • np!

    I'm shocked your doctor told you the weight gain caused GD! That's a load of bullcrap!! I'm so sorry. GD is NOT your fault. If you really do have it, it's just your pancreas not functioning properly and it could happen to ANY pregnant woman.

    Plus, 20 lbs isn't really all that much ... and if you DO have GD and go on the diet, it'll probably be all you end up gaining anyway.

    It's totally common to feel anger and fear with a GD diagnosis. Try to relax, don't think about it too much. Take your 3 hour and let us know what happens. If you have it, there's a bunch of great gals doing a check in on the high risk board. And you can always page me with questions that come up, or even if you just want to vent.


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