2nd Trimester

I have got to make a point of working out regularly

I went with my coworker at lunch to the track by our office. Now, granted, I ate a Milky Way right before I went, so I'm sure that negated all the calorie-burning effects, but my hip and leg had been KILLING me all day long. I walked for about 35 minutes (while she ran like a little gazelle) and when I got finished my hip didn't hurt at ALL. Wonderful wonderful. I'm going to have to start going during the day - I always intend to walk on the treadmill at night but instead end up snoring in front of the TV!
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Re: I have got to make a point of working out regularly

  • ha ha ha GL girl. You and me both. It hasnt happened yet. This "energy" people speak of that you get in 2nd tri, doesnt exist. Just relax, you're growin a baby inside there! Stick out tongue
  • sgrlsgrl member
    Dude, I tell you, I swear I have LESS energy now. And I quit taking Prometrium at 12 weeks, and I really thought I'd be less tired after that. Hahahaha so naive I am.
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  • me2! I know it makes me feel good, but it is really the last thing I want to do when i feel tired, dizzy & fatigued!!
  • This may not help you if you want to work out at work, but I've found a trick that gets me to the gym.  When i was up in the morning, the first thing I do is put on my gym clothes.  Or when i get hom from work, I change into gym clothes right away.  That way I feel like I have no choice but to go.  So far it's worked for me!
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  • Yep, it is my goal to start walking tonight.
  • Working out is a far off memory.
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  • i agree. i can't wait for the weather to get nice so i can walk every night. i hate the gym.
  • afgafg member

    Definitely keep it up, you will feel the benefits later in your pg.

    I work out a lot, and have definitely noticed a change in my stamina the last couple weeks.  I typically walk after I get home from work, but have started to add a lunch time walk so this way, if I'm exhausted or just plain busy when I get home, I've at least gotten one workout in that day.

  • SGRL - I stopped taking prometrium at 12 weeks and you are right, my energy hasn't been back.  I guess I got very used to being lazy around the house. 

    I went to a thrift store and got a treadmill for $90.  I'm not going to deprive myself of any cravings but I seriously have to move around and get more active.  When I go on a walk, my energy shoots through the roof!

  • sgrlsgrl member
    Maybe I'll do better if I walk outside after work rather than trying to hit the treadmill. It's so nice to feel the sun - and I know my pale-ass legs need some color.
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  • Ditto.  Two weeks ago I was working out 3 times per week.....but that was two weeks ago.  I've been pretty lazy since.
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