So I had a dream last night that at a few days old my DD was able to walk and talk. And I knew no one on here would believe me (yes the bump is in my dreams!) so I taped it and posted it. And Jason'sWife PMed me to tell me that I was a horrible mother for letting my child walk and say Mamama on camera. (JW-That wasn't very nice of you BTW ha ha ha).
There was more about my diaper genie and breastfeeding, but I thought it was important to point out my gifted dream child!!
Re: Fun Baby Dream
That's a funny one!
I had a dream not long ago that the baby came out and could immediately read, haha.
That's way nicer than my dream last weekend...I dreamt I went into labor while I was sleeping in my bed and when I woke up I realized it and 5 minutes later, delivered our baby. My DH was a mess from dealing with the labor all night but I was just nice and rested. Then I said, "Honey, we don't need to go to the hospital. Everything seems handled here, right?" Then I looked at the clock and said, "Shoot. It's already 9:30 am? I have a hair appointment in 30 minutes. Are you ok to watch the baby for a couple of hours?"
What the?!?
Which seems to be true. The one an hour and a half away is still for sale. No thanks. All my other replies have been no's. (well I'm working with the mirror lady so there's hope yet)