2nd Trimester

Speaking of Craigslist

If you've had good success with it, what has been your strategy? Is there a way to set up alerts for stuff (like Google alerts) or do you just check every day? I've never really used it before so I'm just curious.
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Re: Speaking of Craigslist

  • afgafg member

    You mean for buying?

    You just have to keep searching it and use different key words.  And don't forget to search back a few pages in popular categories, some sellers don't repost their ads.

  • I just check frequently.
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  • LOL, I just posted this below before I read your post. Use yotify.com. It'll stalk Craigslist (among other sites) for you and send you alerts as often as you choose based on keywords you enter.
  • I check frequently and I check multiple cities. I would start by going back a few days and then just check daily.?
  • LOL, I just posted this below before I read your post. Use yotify.com. It'll stalk Craigslist (among other sites) for you and send you alerts as often as you choose based on keywords you enter.  

    Good tip!

  • Wow, the Yotify thing is a very cool idea - thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for.
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