So what do you plan to do with your pup when you go into labor? This was the talk of the weekend and we still haven't made any solid plans. If it's during the day, it's not a big deal, we can bring her to a friend's house, but what if it's the middle of the night? We would both feel like jacka$$'s pounding on someone's door, dog in tow, me in labor ... so, what are you all doing?
Re: Those with dogs ...
look at the birds | bless this food
pPROM at 27 weeks, Birdy born at 28 weeks at 2lb 7oz.
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We just gave a set of keys to a friend of ours. We made sure to leave food and extra water out for the dog, and our friend went over and took him out and visited with him. The next day, DH went home to shower and hang out with him for a little bit and bring the baby's blanket for the dog to smell.
We'll put her in her crate & either Nate or my parents will go home to take care of her.
My parents will probably take her & her crate over to their house for the couple of days I'm in the hospital.
Yes, this is probably going to be the best thing for us. All of our family wants to be at the hospital so it has to be friends. She's kind of a psycho pup, and hates being home alone for long stretches of time, but she'll just have to deal
Look into doggy daycare or a dog walker, if you don't have friends/family in the area. Then pup isn't home alone all day by himself (since he has issues).
We, personally, will leave our dogs at home, then my parents will come get them, and my bro will take the cats for the time i'm in the hospital. Hopefully i'm down to two cats by then.....
Anyone looking for an addition?
wife to joe 2.2.08. mama to noah 9.5.09.
After multiple m/c's, a MTHFR diagnosis and the Lord calling both of our hearts in the same direction, we're adopting!
Last time we put them both in the kennel before we left for the hosptial. FIL picked them up after visiting us and brought them home with him. When we came home from the hosptial MIL/FIL came to visit and brought them back.
This is pretty much our plan this time except they will come pick up DD and the dogs before we leave for the hospital.
Our dog is used to being at home all day by himself, we both work FT during the day. So, leaving him for a chunk of time will be fine. Luckily, my sister rents out the apt in our basement, so she'll be home to take care of him at night and feed him, etc. That also gives me piece of mind to know that someone is home when we're gone. I also have a lot of family REALLY close by, so I can have them stop in and check on him if need be.